Teller Report

Majed Al-Yousef .. Provides design and technical consulting services in the field of Arabic calligraphy

6/19/2020, 10:04:32 PM

Artist Majid Al-Youssef, owner of the project “Majid Al-Youssef Calligraphy and Design” said, “My main goal is to provide services and products that employ Arabic calligraphy to advertising agencies and media outlets, in addition to interior design companies, architects, and individuals interested in acquiring artwork,” noting that the

Artist Majid Al-Youssef, owner of the Majid Al-Youssef Calligraphy and Design project, said, “My main goal is to provide services and products that employ Arabic calligraphy to advertising agencies and media outlets, as well as interior and architectural design companies and individuals interested in acquiring artwork,” noting that obtaining a “license Trader »From Dubai Economy, helped in facilitating work procedures and completing projects, especially if the other party is a government agency or a large institution and working with them includes special conditions or formal transactions, in addition to the ease of dealing with banks and partners with this initiative.

Al-Youssef added: “Majid Al-Youssef's calligraphy and design project is a specialized station to provide design and technical consulting services in the field of Arabic calligraphy, typographical design and commercial identities in the Arabic language, in addition to producing various artworks that employ Arabic crafts as an essential element in artwork, decoration, fashion and others through Cooperating with specialists in these fields.

Al-Youssef studied arts and design in Iraq and England and obtained a master’s degree in digital arts from the United States of America. After working in several international agencies for design, advertising and media services, his work received many awards specializing in the field of media and design.

Al Youssef (@Majid_Alyousef) presents the authentic calligraphy in a sophisticated modern form, which represents the beginning of an important qualitative shift in the abstract art inspired by Arabic calligraphy. Despite a passion for classic Arabic calligraphy, Youssef mixes abstract linear aesthetics with modern art schools.

Al-Youssef's works were exhibited in many parts of the world, such as London, Geneva, New York, Istanbul, and others, in addition to many posts in the Arab region. And his project as an entrepreneur is an idea that focuses on providing some technical services to local designers and advertising companies in the region, and during the last period where a distinguished set of works and products that targeted the local market in the UAE were expanded and spread to the Gulf countries and the world.

Al-Youssef pointed out that initially he focused his work in Dubai, then Abu Dhabi and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and now the project extended to many regions around the world including Korea, Turkey, Germany, France, Switzerland and the United States of America.

It is noteworthy that the registration and commercial licensing sector in Dubai’s economy issued 5645 “merchant” licenses from the launch of the initiative until May 31, 2020, and females acquired the highest percentage of licenses, as they made up about 60% of the number of licenses (3377 licenses), while males formed The proportion of 40% (2268 licenses).

Majed Al-Youssef:

"Producing various artworks that employ Arabic craftsmanship in artwork, decoration and fashion."

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