Teller Report

2020 Hunan Tourism Expo kicks off the first show of 13 cultural and ecological tourism lines

6/19/2020, 9:35:25 AM

  China News Service, Changsha, June 19 (Wang Haohao) On the 19th, the Hunan (International) Cultural Tourism Industry Expo and Culture and Tourism Equipment Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as the "Travel Expo") opened in Changsha on the 19th, with more than 100 companies from all over China Investment financial institutions, 386 exhibitors, and more than 200 buyers attended the meeting.   Th...

  China News Service, Changsha, June 19 (Wang Haohao) On the 19th, the Hunan (International) Cultural Tourism Industry Expo and Culture and Tourism Equipment Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as the "Travel Expo") opened in Changsha on the 19th, with more than 100 companies from all over China Investment financial institutions, 386 exhibitors, and more than 200 buyers attended the meeting.

  The total exhibition area of ​​this exhibition is nearly 40,000 square meters, and six major exhibition areas have been set up. It not only presents the achievements of the integration and development of Hunan cultural tourism, but also builds an exchange platform for the cultural tourism industry inside and outside the province. It also takes tourism equipment as the core and fully demonstrates tourism investment and wisdom. New formats in various fields of the cultural tourism industry such as tourism, cultural and creative, animation, cultural and travel finance.

The public watched the cultural performances of the Zhangjiajie Exhibition Hall. Li Jianshe

  It is worth mentioning that the first batch of ten characteristic cultural tourism towns in Hunan gathered for the first time to participate in the exhibition. The 13 cultural and ecological tourism boutique routes in the western and eastern Hunan areas will be the first to be concentrated in the cultural tourism poverty alleviation achievements exhibition area. In 2018, the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism first initiated the “organization of travel agencies to participate in the formulation of tourism poverty alleviation routes” in China. It has organized nearly 50 industry elites from more than 40 travel agencies to go to Daxiangxi and Daxiangdong to set up routes. There are fine tourism poverty alleviation routes covering 531 tourism key poverty alleviation villages in 66 key counties (including 51 key poverty counties), which can radiate and drive more than 1,000 poor villagers in Hunan Province to get rid of poverty and become rich.

RV product display. Photo by Wang Haohao

  Earth warehouse, starry sky cabin, low-altitude aircraft, various RVs, AR magic scenes, VR immersive experience... Multi-field and multi-form cultural tourism equipment is particularly noticeable at the exhibition site. It is reported that the tourism equipment section of the current travel expo focuses on tourism equipment enterprises such as yachts, RVs, helicopters, and special bed and breakfast equipment. The invited exhibitors have expanded from traditional tourism industries to tourism investment, cultural tourism towns, smart tourism, and hot springs. , Aviation and other related industries; the first set of nearly 10,000 square meters of RV tourism equipment exhibition, 36 brands of 150 new RVs collectively unveiled, is the largest professional RV exhibition area in Hunan in recent years.

Signing ceremony of Hunan Provincial Cultural Tourism Industry Investment and Financing Conference. Photo by Wang Haohao

  At the 18th phase of the National Cultural and Tourism Industry Project Service Platform Fine Project Exchange and Matching Conference and the Hunan Provincial Cultural Tourism Industry Investment and Financing Conference, the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Hunan Branch, Agricultural Bank of China Hunan Seven financial institutions, including provincial branches, signed strategic cooperation agreements with a total credit line of more than 241 billion yuan. At the signing of the bank’s corporate and corporate contracts, cultural and tourism companies in the province received a loan of 9.912 billion yuan from financial institutions.

  Guided by the Hunan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and hosted by the Hunan Daily Newspaper Group, this travel expo is the first time that the festival will be fully market-oriented in the context of cultural and tourism integration. (Finish)