Teller Report

This state epidemic rebound Trump will still hold a campaign rally Biden polls lead

6/18/2020, 11:36:18 PM

  China News, June 19th, comprehensive report, the United States will usher in the presidential election in November this year, despite the rebound of the Oklahoma and other multi-state epidemics, US President Trump will still hold a large election in Ohio on the 20th During the campaign, he also admitted in an interview that some people who participated in the rally may be infected with the virus...

  China News, June 19th, comprehensive report, the United States will usher in the presidential election in November this year, despite the rebound of the Oklahoma and other multi-state epidemics, US President Trump will still hold a large election in Ohio on the 20th During the campaign, he also admitted in an interview that some people who participated in the rally may be infected with the virus. On the other hand, Trump’s competitor, Biden, who locked in the nomination of the Democratic presidential candidate, led Trump in the latest polls. Biden also criticized Trump for “surrendering” to the new crown virus.

Data graph: US President Trump.

Trump's outbreak in this state will still hold a campaign rally

  The United States is still the most severe country in the world with more than 2.18 million confirmed cases and nearly 120,000 deaths. More than 20,000 new cases continue to appear every day recently.

  Especially in Oklahoma, Texas and Oregon and other states, this week's new cases broke records, but Trump is still eager to resume political campaigns, he plans to be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 20 Indoor campaign rally.

  However, Trump said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal before holding a large-scale rally that some people attending this Saturday's rally may be infected with coronavirus, but he added, "This is a very small proportion."

  Vice President Pence of the United States also admitted that many people will have health risks when they get together. The organizer of the momentum event said that more than 1 million people have already requested tickets for the conference. Pence had previously revealed that officials are considering or holding momentum activities outdoors.

  According to the Oklahoma Department of Health, as of the morning of the 18th, Tulsa County is currently the county with the most cases of infection in the state, with a total of 1,825 cases. New cases in Tulsa County are also rising. According to data from the Tulsa Health Department, the average number of new cases in the county is 73.9, a 7-day high.

Data Map: On February 2, local time, Biden held an election campaign in Iowa. China News Agency reporter Chen Meng Tongshe

Biden's polls lead the violent Trump's "surrender" to the virus

  On the other hand, Trump’s opponent, Biden, who has nominated the Democratic presidential candidate, has been leading the recent polls.

  According to the latest poll released by Reuters/Ipsos, Biden’s support is as much as 13 percentage points ahead of the current President Trump, which is his largest lead in the same poll this year.

  In addition, according to a poll released by Quinnipiac University on the 18th, Biden's national approval rate is 8 percentage points ahead of President Trump. According to public opinion polls, Biden leads Trump's 41% of registered voters by 49%.

  Former US Vice President Biden pointed his finger at Trump on the 17th, saying that Trump "surrendered" to the virus and put the American people at risk for the benefit of the election.

  Biden said in his canvassing in Pennsylvania: "Americans have made many sacrifices to fight the New Crown Virus...We may lose some of the progress that has already begun, all because he (Trump) has lost interest."

Showdown Trump Biden or accept Democratic nomination for presidential candidate in August

  The US presidential election will be held in November, and affected by the epidemic, the locked nomination is expected to officially accept the Democratic presidential candidate nomination in late August and formally face off with Trump in the November election.

  On the 18th, two officials familiar with the electoral planning stated that Biden will officially accept the Democratic nomination for presidential candidates in Milwaukee in August, and the preparation for the scaled-down Democratic Congress this year has entered the final stage. An official said about Biden's nomination that it might be August 20th.

  The officials in preparation are in the final stages of a series of small offline events, but the final location decision has not yet been made. An official said that one of the reasons was the surge in cases of new coronavirus.

  According to people familiar with the matter, some cities that are considering holding small gatherings include Charlotte, Detroit, Philadelphia and Phoenix. The gatherings in these locations can be broadcast live online, or directly as one of Milwaukee's home events.

  Biden recently said in an interview with Milwaukee WITI that he would prefer to attend the conference in person, but he said that public health issues will be taken into consideration.

Which issue is more concerned about economic recovery vs. safety resumption?

  All along, Trump and Biden have very different attitudes towards the epidemic. In the upcoming US presidential election, Trump emphasized that the contrast between economic recovery and Biden’s focus on safe resumption of work can allow voters to choose which can be the central issue of the campaign.

  Biden has repeatedly criticized Trump's response to the new crown epidemic, including the president's refusal to wear a mask, issued wrong health and safety guidance, and even trying to reopen the U.S. economy as new crown infection rates continue to rise in some states.

  Biden said: "I think the federal government has given up any effective leadership role. At least the White House has given up this role."

  According to reports, Biden was the former vice president and successfully led the Ebola epidemic prevention work during the Obama administration. He envisioned that the federal government could play a greater and firmer role in fighting the new coronavirus.

  Biden also plans to increase federal funding to provide free new coronavirus testing, treatment, and eventually vaccination nationwide.

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