Teller Report

The Medical Association wants a national waiting list for care queues

6/18/2020, 7:48:40 PM

The Medical Association calls for a national waiting list to cut the growing care queues. - We have a large number of patients in line and who do not know how long they will have to wait for their operations. The situation is actually very serious, says Heidi Stensmyren, chairman of the Medical Association.

The Medical Association wants to see targeted government grants to manage the medical debt and for the government to give the authorities the task of coordinating national waiting lists and care queues.  

- A national waiting list would make care more equal. Today, a waiting time for a patient in, for example, Gothenburg, can be considerably much longer than in another part of the country. 

"Must be managed in every region"

The employers' organization Sweden's municipalities and regions (SKR) for a dialogue with the government to cover the increased costs incurred in health care, but do not want to see national waiting lists.  

"But when it comes to planning for and performing the care itself, there is something that must be done in each region," says Jeanette Hedberg, deputy negotiating head at SKR.

SVT has approached Social Minister Lena Hallengren for a comment.

In the clip above you will hear more about the different views of the parties.