Teller Report

Lifestyle after Corona

6/18/2020, 10:11:46 PM

Soon - God Almighty wills - this sinister, disastrous, heavy sect will leave us - neither deposited nor deplorable - and we will regain our freedom to work, travel, meetings, meetings, family and cognitive communication, etc., and we will regain our negative freedom that this pandemic confiscated for months as if

Soon - God Almighty wills - this sinister and disastrous heavy sect will leave us - not deposited nor deplorable - and we will regain our freedom in work, transport, meetings, meetings, visits, family and cognitive communication, etc. To forget this pain and to turn into a great and broad hope, to forget the brutality and return to familiarity, to forget the estrangement and return to fulfillment, to forget the separation and return to familiarity, that is hope and the belief in God, and not on God dear, so we ask God Almighty to transform our condition into the best condition. .

There are things that we should not forget; Because forgetting her means that we were not considered and did not affect us.

There are things that we should not forget. Because forgetting her means that we did not consider and did not affect us in divine harm, so we had to remain reminiscent of things in order to be part of our future life ..

We should not forget the divine right that we have to be recognized in the good times as we were in the bad, so we remain remembrance of him, and his blessings are grateful, and his followers are performers, and by his law working, we knew the value of the grace of psychological security when we lived through the fear of the epidemic, and he obsessed his attack on everyone, so he went away from us Good life and we were as the poet said:

Were it not for the annoying nights, the cat would not have left a good dream

We knew the value of health, and we do not expose it to the prejudice of exposure to infection of any kind. So what happened to societies - after God’s destiny - is only because of leniency in taking precautions against infection.

We knew the value of our people in the homes of God, and we seek them, so we renew the faith, provide piety, strengthen the bonds of kinship, social cohesion, and get to know each other’s conditions so that we comfort and share joys and sorrows.

We learned the value of people in feasts, family and social gatherings, and the greeting of our eminently elders, so the people will become more united in leadership, loyalty will be renewed, and allegiance will be documented.

We knew the value of going to business and performing it while meeting people and spending them directly.

We knew the value of these things, and many others, when we lost them. Because grace is known only when it is lost, and as they said: “And the antibody reveals its goodness of antibody.” So we must be remembering for all of this to thank God Almighty for the grace, and we thank the rulers for what they have done from the grace, and we maintain the grace with this thanks as narrated from our master Ali Radhi God Almighty for him:

If you are in a grace, swiftly / it will remove the blessings

And keep it with thanksgiving from the god / because the god is quick to reproach

We have to change our lifestyle in everything, starting with the self and the family, so we do not give ourselves a place in all the delights and pleasures of expanding in pleasures, wasteful expenses, spending in other than needs, or in non-essential travel. Because of this, to rationalize expenditures, and to protect oneself from the consequences that are not satisfactory.

The family also has to cooperate with its head; Because the interest is shared, the family has one body that interacts with each other benefit and harm, so what was good yesterday was no longer valid today, and the most important thing that the family should preserve is what it benefited from the family intimacy that it gained in the continuity of the meeting and the understanding that was the master of the situation often, and to ensure what Benefit and pay what is harmful, including not listening to the voices that do not like good families, if you find listening ears that did not hesitate to walk by gossip and generate grudge, then this intimate period was missed for many of these invalid voices, so this mission will continue indefinitely.

And if compassion and compassion for everyone for everyone in the epidemic is the most prominent creation over this period, let us preserve it in the future of our lives; For the sake of the social morals in which one attains a paradise, the heavens and the earth are presented as mentioned in the hadith of a Muslim: “Do not enter paradise until you believe, and do not believe until you are loved. First, should I show you something if you do it? Spread peace among you. ” The Companions of the Sunnah narrated from the hadith of Abdullah bin Amr bin Al-Aas, may God be pleased with them, that the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “The merciful, the Merciful, have mercy on them.

Oh God, as you have mercy, have mercy on us, you are the most merciful, and you are the people of piety and the people of forgiveness.

«Grand Muftis, Director of Ifta’s Department in Dubai»

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