Teller Report

Announcement of the plenary session of'Chairman of the Standing Committee'… Iya entrance car still

6/18/2020, 11:15:52 PM

It is noteworthy whether the Democratic Party will elect the remaining permanent chairman again by itself, as the plenary session for the formation of the 21st National Assembly is announced this afternoon. The Democratic Party is on the verge of electing all remaining standing chairmen and finalizing the composition of the circle today, but the United Party has strongly protested and has announced to all its members that it will be on standby within the National Assembly today.

It is noteworthy whether the Democratic Party will elect the remaining permanent chairman alone again, as the plenary session for the formation of the 21st National Assembly is announced on the afternoon of today (19th).

The Democratic Party is on the verge of electing all remaining standing chairmen and finalizing the composition of the circle today, but the United Party has strongly protested and has announced to all its members that it will be on standby within the National Assembly today.

Parliament chairman Park Byeong-suk said he would hold six plenary chairmen four days ago, and today he will hold a plenary session.