Teller Report

"Flavours of the World" season 2 ending microscopic photography shows food texture

6/18/2020, 12:38:02 PM

  China News Service, June 18, recently, the second season of "Flavour World", known as the "Xiafan Artifact", officially ended. This food exploration documentary produced by Tencent Video, jointly produced by Daolai Media and Penguin Film and Television, has been strongly echoed by the ultra-high production level and unique content since its opening. Stills   As of the end, the second season s...

  China News Service, June 18, recently, the second season of "Flavour World", known as the "Xiafan Artifact", officially ended. This food exploration documentary produced by Tencent Video, jointly produced by Daolai Media and Penguin Film and Television, has been strongly echoed by the ultra-high production level and unique content since its opening.


  As of the end, the second season show Douban scored 9.3, which is different from the "slow heat" performance of many documentaries. The second season of "Flavour World" grabbed the lead once it was aired. Discussions on the topic of food also climaxed. The netizens praised it as " A rare and exquisite and pure food movie full of fireworks."

  The second season of "Flavours of the World" spans the world. Through eight highly personalized and open themes, the food exploration is carried out with fine entry points, focusing on the excavation of different lifestyles and folk atmospheres in different regions of human beings. And eating habits.

  What is interesting is that Yangzhou Melaleuca Oil Cake and Turkish Baklava, Fujian Shunchang Poached Eggs and Scottish Eggs, Chongren Grains Pork Trotters and Italian Trotters in the program... or Chinese and foreign cuisines with similar tastes or similar appearances appear in pairs. The unconventional presentation enhances the program's visibility and rhythm, and brings a strong appeal to the audience.


  Another feature of the show that delights viewers is the unique micro photography technique in the "Flavour World" series. Through the perspective of the micro camera technology, the unique texture and texture of the ingredients are presented, so as to achieve the dimensionality reduction and disassembly of the gourmet expertise. The vivid and beautiful audio-visual language creates a colorful picture, showing the charm of food vividly.

  Compared with the first season, the theme of Season 2 of "Flavour World" is more focused, resulting in increased difficulty in content planning and shooting. Through innovations in the production process, narrative angle, and shooting techniques, the audience sees more extreme food and emotion in this documentary. Ingredients such as sauces, chicken, and eggs are unremarkable, but they are the background of life and the most real human fireworks.

  From the mountains to the city, from the east to the west, the second season of "Flavours of the World" is about the "home-cooked meal" that is eaten with the family, but it is gentle but powerful. The film insists on exploring the relationship between ingredients, people, and the environment from a popular perspective, and uses images to record people's real food culture and living conditions.