Teller Report

The game of perpetual defeat

6/16/2020, 3:17:12 PM

The great novelty that Zapatero represented was his willingness to remake the Transition but without the right's support. Hence it is eccentric, because it caused the PSOE to

The great novelty that Zapatero represented was his willingness to remake the Transition but without the right's support. Hence, he is eccentric, because he caused the PSOE to enter an extravagant orbit, around minorities that allowed him to marginalize a social majority. I don't know who might be surprised that Zapatero is one of those socialists who, after April 28, came out screaming "No Rivera!" . He himself became the hinge of the coalition between Sánchez and Iglesias, whose unitary aspiration is to remake the Transition without the assistance of the right. The litany now is that for the opposition, anything goes as long as they overthrow the government.

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