Teller Report

The coalition destroyed a ballistic missile and "Houthi" drones ... targeting Saudi Arabia

6/16/2020, 10:05:01 PM

In Yemen, the Arab Coalition Forces to Support Legitimacy announced that they were able to intercept and destroy a ballistic missile fired by the terrorist Houthi militia from Saada governorate, towards the city of Najran in Saudi Arabia. The coalition also announced the interception and shooting down of a number of drones launched by

In Yemen, the Arab Coalition Forces to Support Legitimacy announced that they were able to intercept and destroy a ballistic missile fired by the terrorist Houthi militia from Saada governorate, towards the city of Najran in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Yemeni army forces, backed by the coalition, are free to liberate strategic sites in the vicinity of Sanaa after violent battles they have fought against the Houthi militia over the past two days.

In detail, the spokesperson for the Arab Coalition Forces for the Support of Legitimacy in Yemen, Colonel Turki al-Maliki, announced that the coalition forces yesterday managed to intercept and destroy a ballistic missile launched by the terrorist Houthi militias from Saada governorate, towards the city of Najran in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in a deliberate attempt by Militias to target innocent civilians and innocent civilians.

He added that barbaric attempts by terrorist Houthi militias to target civilian and civilian objects, which are protected under international humanitarian law, with ballistic missiles and drones, are continuing, and the total number of ballistic missiles launched towards the Kingdom and intercepted 313 missiles, and the total of drones that were Intercept and destroy it 357.

Al-Maliki announced that the joint coalition forces command was able to intercept and shoot down a number of drones (booby-trapped) drones, launched by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia towards civilians and civilian objects in the Asir region of Saudi Arabia.

He pointed out that this terrorist attempt by the Houthi terrorist militia, and the previous attempts of terrorist operations targeting innocent civilians and civilian objects, as well as population gatherings, which threaten the lives of hundreds of civilians in a systematic way, and intentionally causing high civilian casualties by using drones, which carry Explosive materials are a flagrant violation of the militias of international humanitarian law and its customary rules, and violate heavenly and human norms and values.

Colonel Al-Maliki stated that the continuation of these hostile and terrorist acts by using drones (booby-trapped) drones confirms the extremist and unethical approach of the Houthi militias and their rejection of all the initiatives presented by the coalition, as well as the international efforts by the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths, to stop the launch of Fire, de-escalation, and a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis.

He stressed that the Alliance Joint Forces Command applies and takes all necessary measures to protect innocent civilians, and will take strict and appropriate operational measures to stop these terrorist acts, in accordance with international humanitarian law and its customary rules.

In addition, field sources in Nahham, northeast of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, confirmed that the Yemeni army, backed by coalition fighters, was able to liberate strategic sites in the vicinity of the capital, during the past two days, including sites described as ruling and of military significance for the army's advance towards the capital.

The sources stated that the army was able to completely purge the "solid crossroads" in Naham, and impose its control on neighboring sites and Tabab while continuing its progress towards new sites, as part of a military operation launched by the army, on the evening of yesterday, in response to the recent Houthi escalation towards Marib and the Saudi border .

The sources pointed out that the coalition fighters launched a series of raids targeting military sites, weapons depots, ballistic missile launchers and drones of the Houthi militia in the Nahdin area, Jabal Atan, the Sixty Aviation College, and other areas south and west of Sanaa.

The sources pointed out that the Yemeni army managed, yesterday, to shoot down four drones flying over the fronts of Naham, which are loaded with explosives, before reaching their targets. In Marib, battles continued between the Yemeni army and the militias on the fronts of narcotic and Sarwah, in conjunction with the intensification of battles in the Nahham front Sanaa, while coalition warplanes destroyed three military vehicles in Sarwah, as well as other Houthi vehicles at the Majzar Front in Marib as well.

Field sources confirmed that the Houthi Front had killed more than 76 Houthis at the hands of the Yemeni army, which carried out a successful detachment of Houthi elements in the front.

In Al Hudaydah, the joint forces thwarted an attack by the Houthi militia on its positions in the Al-Duraimi district south of the city of Hodeidah, while the militias continued their violations of the international truce, and targeted civilian and other sites belonging to the joint forces in the Beit al-Faqih district.

116 new cases of "corona" in Yemen

The Supreme National Committee for Response to the Corona Epidemic, in Yemen, has announced 116 new cases of infection, the highest daily rate of infection since the outbreak of the virus in Yemen, bringing the total recorded cases to 844 cases.

The committee announced 36 new deaths from the virus, bringing the total number of deaths to 208, and announced 26 cases of recovery, bringing the total recovery to 79.

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