Teller Report

That is why the unicorn crown sites in Norsjö are being scrapped

6/16/2020, 7:50:18 PM

The municipal council in Norsjö has now decided to scrap the investment on unicorn plots. The reason: No residential building was built. - We attracted rogue buyers without a plan to build a residential building. It was bad advertising instead, says municipal council Mikael Lindfors (S).

It was in 2014 that the municipality of Norsjö decided on the initiative to speed up the move. But only four plots to be sold and none of the buyers even sought legal speed to build a home, something Norran was the first to tell. According to the municipal council, the investment should have been scrapped several years ago, it has only meant more work.

- The land price is not the decisive factor for a move. Now the rules go back to what it was before. We are developing attractive and lakeside land that people can buy at regular prices, says Mikael Lindfors (S).

He hopes that interest in building in the municipal parts near Skellefteå, such as Gumboda, will be affected by the construction of the battery factory.

- In the long term, we think it may be more attractive to live in those areas, he says.