Teller Report

Senate to examine police response methods

6/16/2020, 5:05:41 PM

The Senate's fact-finding mission intends in particular to assess the techniques of arrest and use of force that are taught in training centers

Illustration of a police patrol, here in Rennes. - C. Allain / 20 Minutes

The Senate Law Commission announced Tuesday the creation of a fact-finding mission on "the means of action and methods of intervention" of the police and the gendarmerie, in the midst of controversy over the technique of the "key of strangulation ".

This fact-finding mission of the Senate, dominated by the right-wing opposition, will hear in particular, "in the coming weeks", in addition to the Minister of the Interior Christophe Castaner, the directors general and the general inspections of the national police and the national gendarmerie, as well as union representatives.

Evaluate the techniques of arrest and use of force

She will also visit police and gendarme training centers to assess the techniques of arrest and use of force that are taught there, said the law commission in a press release.

The "throttling key", the abandonment of which announced on June 8 by Christophe Castaner triggered the anger of the police, "will continue to be implemented" until another technique of arrest is defined, said national police chief Frédéric Veaux on Monday.

For the president of the commission of laws Philippe Bas (LR), "it is important that this debate does not become the instrument of a generalized suspicion against the police officers and the gendarmes". "We cannot allow the idea that the police and gendarmerie forces, in principle, to use illegitimate means of coercion, to spread," he said.

A bill to "generalize the use of individual cameras in the police"

A representative of each political group of the Senate is called to participate in the fact-finding mission, the two rapporteurs of which are Catherine Di Folco (LR) and Maryse Carrère (RDSE with a radical majority).

In the Assembly, the leader of the UDI Jean-Christophe Lagarde announced to table a bill to "generalize the use of individual cameras in the police". In the absence of a “parliamentary niche”, it cannot support the text in the hemicycle, but wants to bring the debate to life.

"It is an obvious solution that we have in front of us, a simple and effective means", while the government "flounders for days and days," said the member for Seine-Saint-Denis.

“It has a double advantage. The first is to ensure that the police can prove the attacks they are constantly subjected to: name-calling, threats, refusal to comply, jostling. The second advantage is a guarantee for the citizen, capable of restoring confidence, ”added the former mayor of Drancy, where the municipal police were equipped with this type of device.

  • Police
  • Christophe Castaner
  • Society
  • Senate
  • Controversy