Teller Report

Moscow allows visiting museums and open areas

6/16/2020, 10:05:18 PM

Residents of the Russian capital, Moscow, were able to visit museums and open areas, yesterday, for the first time in more than two months, in the context of easing more restrictions imposed to limit the spread of the Corona virus, although more than 1,000 infections are recorded daily. As of yesterday, museums and mak

Residents of the Russian capital, Moscow, were able to visit museums and open areas, yesterday, for the first time in more than two months, in the context of easing more restrictions imposed to limit the spread of the Corona virus, although more than 1,000 infections are recorded daily.

As of yesterday, museums, libraries and zoos have opened their doors in the city of about 13 million people, but they have imposed restrictions on the number of visitors. The dentists also returned to work.

The authorities allowed the resumption of sporting events, but only a maximum of 10% of the venue's capacity was allowed for spectators.

Moscow began lifting public isolation measures since last week, and allowed its residents to leave their homes and use public transport freely, and to move around the city with their cars without any restrictions.

Moscow is the most affected region in Russia. Russia is currently ranked third in the world in terms of the number of injuries, as it has more than half a million cases of "corona", which the authorities attribute to a huge examination program that has so far included testing for more than 15 million.

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