Teller Report

Kadyrov announced a new stage of mitigation after June 20

6/16/2020, 7:53:12 PM

A new stage of mitigation of restrictions introduced due to coronavirus in Chechnya is planned to be adopted after June 20. This was stated by the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov.

“Soon there will be a third phase of relaxation, we will open restaurants and cafes on the street, we will open parks and additional playgrounds. The numbers of June 20-21, if not 100%, then almost 90% will be relief. We have all the possibilities for this, ”TASS quoted Dambulat Umarov as the first deputy head of the administration of the head and government of Chechnya on Instagram.

Kadyrov noted that in the region there are enough medicines, specialists and places in hospitals.

“Everything we do shows efficiency,” the head of the republic said.

In early June, it was reported that two planes with medical equipment and medicines to fight COVID-19 would arrive from Chechnya and Dagestan from the United Arab Emirates.