Teller Report

Coronavirus: Sex workers in Austria want to resume business

6/16/2020, 8:32:57 PM

Prostitution is legal in Austria but the many brothels have been closed since mid-March due to the coronavirus crisis. A crisis that has made some of them precarious, they hope…

Coronavirus: Sex workers in Austria want to resume business

Audio 1:20

Austria has authorized small businesses to reopen from April 14 (illustration image). REUTERS / Leonhard Foeger

Text by: Isaure Hiace Follow

Prostitution is legal in Austria but the many brothels have been closed since mid-March due to the coronavirus crisis. A crisis that has made some of them precarious, so they hope to be able to return to work as soon as possible.


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From our correspondent in Vienn e,

It has been 3 months since Shiva Prugger, a sex worker in Vienna, can no longer practice her profession. According to her, there is an urgency today to authorize this activity again because the coronavirus crisis has made many of her colleagues precarious.

“  The problem with the coronavirus crisis is that many women did not receive financial assistance, so they were forced to work when it was prohibited. They then had no medical exams and were vulnerable, at the mercy of clients. There is therefore a much greater health and financial risk.  "  

The associations also demand a rapid recovery, aware of course that health care will be required, but it is possible, believes Eva van Rahden of the NGO Sophie.

“  There are other professions where distances cannot be respected, in tattoo parlors for example. However, it was decided to authorize these activities again. I therefore see no objective reason to continue to prohibit sexual services. New health measures will be needed, those who exercise this are aware of this. But this sector showed, when AIDS appeared, for example, that it was able to put in place effective hygiene measures. "

After a meeting with the Ministry of Health, the associations say they are confident about a possible resumption from July 1.

► Read also: Coronavirus: Austria on the road to deconfinement

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  • Austria
  • Coronavirus
  • Sexuality
  • Employment and Work

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