Teller Report

Tibetan search and rescue dogs proficient in "eighteen martial arts" will sell cute

6/15/2020, 2:02:18 PM

  Leaping obstacles, jumping "plum blossom piles", hurdling in the air, creeping forward... Recently, at the training ground of the search and rescue dog unit of the Special Service Brigade of the Lhasa City Fire and Rescue Detachment (abbreviated as "Lhasa Fire Fighting"), the trainer issued a "back" After the instructions such as "running" and "jumping", the search and rescue dog used the whole ...

  Leaping obstacles, jumping "plum blossom piles", hurdling in the air, creeping forward... Recently, at the training ground of the search and rescue dog unit of the Special Service Brigade of the Lhasa City Fire and Rescue Detachment (abbreviated as "Lhasa Fire Fighting"), the trainer issued a "back" After the instructions such as "running" and "jumping", the search and rescue dog used the whole body flexibly, and dazzled the "eighteen martial arts". They are highly skilled and stand the test of actual combat. In the box search and rescue, within a few seconds, the search and rescue dog found the trapped people from several identical boxes.

  Despite his great skills, these search and rescue dogs were dumbfounded in front of the trainer. As "silent" comrades, they are excellent in obedience, attention, durability, adaptability, and cooperate with others. When the collective performance of the horse walks, the movements of several search and rescue dogs are uniform and very beautiful. .

  As the only search and rescue dog detachment of Lhasa Fire, they shoulder the mission, face the difficulties, participated in many major accident rescues, and also won many honors in the national search and rescue dog competition. They are special comrades of the Lhasa firefighters, and they are also best friends.

  (Source: Zhang Wei, reporter from the Lhasa City Fire and Rescue Team, editor Zhou Jing)

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]

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