Teller Report

Poaching continues, "Jiang Xian" is still trading at high prices-the Yangtze River "fishing ban" has been tracking for nearly half a year

6/15/2020, 11:52:55 AM

  Xinhua News Agency, Nanjing, June 15 - Question: poaching absolutely not, "Jiang fresh" is still trading at high prices - the Yangtze River "fishing ban" implemented over the past six months tracking   Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Perspectives" reporters Shen Rufa, Qin Huajiang, Yang Dingmiao   Starting from January 1, 2020, the ten-year Yangtze River "fishing ban" has been implemented. At prese...

  Xinhua News Agency, Nanjing, June 15 - Question: poaching absolutely not, "Jiang fresh" is still trading at high prices - the Yangtze River "fishing ban" implemented over the past six months tracking

  Xinhua News Agency "Xinhua Perspectives" reporters Shen Rufa, Qin Huajiang, Yang Dingmiao

  Starting from January 1, 2020, the ten-year Yangtze River "fishing ban" has been implemented. At present, the "Fishing Prohibition Order" has been implemented for nearly half a year, but a recent "Xinhua Point of View" reporter's unannounced visit recently found that the Yangtze River fishing stealing phenomenon has not been banned, especially "Jiang Xian" is still being traded in secret, and some can sell 6000 per kilogram. Around Yuan. Driven by huge profits, the fishing, transportation and sales of Yangtze River fish have formed a complete black underground industrial chain.

"Jiang Xian" is still trading, the price has doubled compared to previous years

  More than 10 saury fish are lined up one after another, and the river prawns occupy half of the water tank... This is what the “Xinhua Vision” reporter recently saw in the aquatic market along the Yangtze River.

  "After the Qingming period, the sword fish stiffened, and the Xiaojiang knife cost 500 yuan per kilogram, more than 2 yuan and 800 yuan per kilogram." A fishmonger said that the price of the river shrimp was also about 300 yuan per kilogram.

  In a commercial wholesale market in another city, a merchant with the surname Ji told reporters that eating Jiang Xian requires ordering two days in advance through special channels. "Many'Jian Xian' restaurants take goods from us. The farmed catfish is about 24 yuan per kilogram, and the wild price is more than 10 times."

  The Yangtze River Swordfish is known as one of the "Three Freshness of the Yangtze River". Due to environmental degradation, overfishing and many other reasons, swordfish resources have been severely depleted in recent years. As the number decreases, prices continue to rise, and some lawbreakers take risks in order to obtain huge profits.

  "Things are rare and expensive, the higher the prohibition, the higher the price." Local merchants told reporters, "The price of swordfish has doubled compared with previous years, and the supply is in short supply. The Yangtze River swordfish spines are very soft before Qingming, and can even be sold for 6000 yuan per kilogram. about."

  Due to the strong market demand, predation of wild swordfish in the Yangtze River has been prohibitive. The reporter did not see regulators in multiple markets where transactions occurred. "They will hide when they come, and we will sell when they leave." Some merchants call them "peek-a-boo."

  A city market supervision bureau, agricultural and rural bureau, public security bureau, etc. have jointly carried out a special enforcement action for the Yangtze River aquatic products. The staff revealed: "In law enforcement, there are still sneaky point-to-point sales in private, and some restaurants have found Yangtze aquatic products. "

  In addition to saury, species such as white sturgeon, white sturgeon, and Yangtze sturgeon in the Yangtze River have also been rare for many years. Chinese sturgeon, Yangtze sturgeon, and Yangtze finless porpoise are extremely endangered. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly issued the “Implementation Plan for Prohibition of Capture and Establishment of Compensation System in Key Waters of the Yangtze River Basin” to protect the precarious biological resources of the Yangtze River. But the reporter found that under the "fishing ban", some people continued to hunt in rare species reserves.

  The Yangtze River Shipping Public Security Bureau Zhenjiang Branch recently cracked a case in which three suspects drove a small fishing boat to the finless porpoise protection area in the early morning and used a homemade electric dip net to catch more than 150 kilograms of fish in just over three hours. Thing.

Illegal electric arrest is the main method, and the stealing and sales are organized and professional

  Electric fish is the main method of poaching. "This is standard cruel fishing and fishing. The fishermen used to know that the waters should be recuperated, but now, even after the fishing ban in the Yangtze River, many people still see illegal electric fish, which makes people angry and sad." Zhang Minghao, a volunteer who has been engaged in the conservation of the Yangtze River's aquatic life for many years, said.

  "After the fishing ban in the Yangtze River, motivated by huge profits, some people who were not originally fishermen also joined in the arrest." Cao Qin, head of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Zhenjiang Branch of the Yangtze Shipping Public Security Bureau, said that these people are subjectively malicious, have strong anti-detection capabilities, and are organized. , Specialized features.

  "They understand that the police need to seize evidence such as fish and fishing gear to crack down on the poaching, so they deliberately hide the caught fish in one place and hide the fishing gear in another place." Cao Qin said, "Moreover, they are different from fishermen, not individuals. Or a couple, usually a gang that commits a crime."

  According to Yue Caijun, a third-level investigator of the Jiangsu Provincial Corps of the China Maritime Safety Administration, since the fishing ban on the Yangtze River, the fishery administration has organized four special enforcement actions for the provincial Yangtze River Fishery Administration, confiscating nearly 1,000 sets of illegal fishing nets and confiscating fishing 120 kilograms were obtained and 58 illegal fishing cases were investigated and dealt with.

  Yue Caijun said that judging from the larger illegal fishing cases seized, illegal fishing gangs often use portable electric fish equipment, speedboat division of labor cooperation, and flexibility. When encountering investigations, they often throw the crime tools directly into the river to destroy the evidence, resulting in law enforcement Obtaining evidence is difficult.

  According to the police and the fishery administration, the fishing, transportation, and sales of Yangtze River fishery resources have formed an illegal chain of interests. "Fish need to be processed on the same day, and will be transported to major hotels or aquatic markets in the early morning, and stakeholders are colluding."

  In addition, in order to evade supervision, many people arrested chose to commit crimes at night. Wang Mingchao, director of the Yangjiang Public Security Bureau Binjiang Police Station, said that black lights were blind, ships were prone to collisions, and law enforcement on the river was dangerous. The phenomenon of soft violence against the law against individuals is also very common, even threatened by means such as river jumping and self-mutilation.

The Yangtze River fishing ban cannot be reduced to a dead letter

  The Yangtze River is one of the rivers with the richest aquatic biodiversity in the world, and it is also an important barrier to maintain the ecological security of my country. The ten-year "fishing ban" aims to let the Yangtze River rest and recuperate.

  However, the personnel of the fishery administration responsible for protecting the Yangtze River is seriously understaffed. Chen Jianrong, Director of the Fishery Law Enforcement Division of the Jiangsu Provincial Corps of the China Maritime Safety Administration, said that more than 400 kilometers from the Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River, there are only 217 people with fishery law enforcement qualification certificates, and about 100 people have worked in the front line for a long time.

  The equipment is also stretched. The reporter saw in Xinba Fishing Port, Guangling District, Yangzhou City, where the only law enforcement boat of the fishery administration of the whole district was parked. "This law enforcement boat is only 6.36 meters long." Tang Minghu, deputy director of the district's Agriculture and Rural Bureau, said helplessly that such technical equipment is difficult to meet the high-intensity, all-weather prohibition of law enforcement and supervision.

  In order to make up for the shortage of the Yangtze River's fishery political power and other issues, Jiangsu pilots hired fishermen who withdrew from fishing as fishermen and established a fishing team. "They are familiar with the water situation and adapt to the water work, and the effect is obvious." Wang Mingchao said. State Grid Taizhou Power Supply Company's guardian Yang Xinwei, leader of the Yangtze River Bishui Youth Volunteer Service Team, believed that the power of civil protection organizations and volunteers should be fully utilized to participate in the patrol work of the river.

  Chen Shi, deputy director of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Yangzhou City, said that it is necessary to strengthen fishery law enforcement and equipment construction, and at the same time strengthen the configuration and application of information equipment. At present, Yangzhou and other places have installed video surveillance in key waters or problem-prone river sections, and carried out regional cruises with the help of drones under limited personnel.

  Relevant people believe that the Yangtze River ecological protection needs to strengthen the linkage of departments and supervise the fishing, transportation, sales, catering and other links.

  The reporter also found that some fishermen have low employment rate after settling ashore due to their low education level and old age. "The fishing ban in the Yangtze River is a systematic project. Only when the fishermen really land on the shore, can there be real harmony with the water." Zhang Xian, an expert on the protection of freshwater dolphins in the Yangtze River, believes that fishermen's vocational skills training should be further strengthened to help them transition smoothly.