Teller Report

Villefand warned Muscovites about the dangers of a second heat wave

6/14/2020, 12:04:54 PM

Roman Vilfand, supervisor of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, told RT about weather trends in the metropolitan area over the next week.

“Hot weather is expected next week. Monday will begin with an elevated temperature, during the day it will be + 23 ... + 26 ° C - this temperature is above the norm by about 3 ° C, and for mid-June it is a high temperature. Starting on Tuesday, the temperature background during the day is + 28 ... + 30 ° C, nights will be warm - + 17 ... + 20 ° C, which is also a characteristic of very warm summer weather, ”said Villefand.

The weather forecaster noted that these temperature indicators indicate the approach of the second heat wave.

“Such a temperature background is more characteristic not for June, but for July, and not in Moscow, but in Voronezh, in the south of Central Black Earth. The temperature will be higher than long-term values ​​... by about 5-6 ° C. I want to warn that this is the so-called second wave of heat and it does not affect the elderly very positively, ”the specialist explained.

He also added that the weather will be determined by the approach of the summer solstice, when the sun's rays become most saturated.

“The pressure will be slightly above normal, the weather will be slightly cloudy, and with such cloudy weather there will be hot rays of the sun ... Significant wind gains are not forecasted, starting from Tuesday the wind will be weak, of an uncertain direction,” Wilfand explained.

It was previously reported that on June 14 the daily temperature in Moscow will be + 20 ... + 22 ° C.