Teller Report

Macron announced the resumption of restaurants in France

6/14/2020, 7:38:11 PM

French President Emmanuel Macron said that cafes and restaurants in the country will be able to resume work from June 15.

He stated this in a televised address to the nation.

“From tomorrow, all territories, except Mayotte and French Guiana, where the virus is still actively circulating, will move to the green zone, which, in particular, will allow opening cafes and restaurants, including in the Ile de France region,” said Macron.

He also noted that the French will be able to travel to the EU countries, starting from June 15, from July 1, it will be possible to travel to countries outside Europe, where the coronavirus epidemic will be taken under control

Macron urged the French to "continue to comply with sanitary measures, to avoid mass gatherings."

Since the beginning of the epidemic in France, more than 156 thousand patients with coronavirus have been recorded.

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