Teller Report

UK starts lawsuit after gas popping at Kazan gas station

6/12/2020, 10:22:53 PM

Investigators opened a criminal investigation into gas popping at a gas station in Kazan, which injured workers. This was reported in the headquarters of the IC of Russia in Tatarstan.

“A criminal case has been instituted under Art. 217 of the Criminal Code of Russia (violation of safety rules at hazardous facilities), ”the press service said.

Investigators and criminologists arrived at the scene, who, after the localization of the fire, will begin the inspection. 

Currently, the issue of appointing the necessary examinations to determine the cause of the incident is being decided.

The UK added that the exact number of injured workers is being specified.

Earlier, the Ministry of Emergencies reported a gas explosion and fire at a land-based stationary facility of a gas distribution station in Kazan, which injured four people.