Teller Report

The rescue officer met a burning caravan on the way from a forest fire

6/12/2020, 6:28:58 PM

Rescue commander Johan Szymanski was on his way home from a forest fire when he suddenly encountered a car with a burning caravan on trailers.

On Friday night, the rescue officer in Northern Dalarna, Johan Szymanski, had been on site during a forest fire in Vansbro municipality. On the way home, he suddenly encountered a car where something looked strange with the caravan it was pulling.

- I thought something looked strange, and then I saw that it was burning, he says.

"Of course it doesn't belong"

Together with the owners he was able to disconnect the vehicle and the gasoline.

- It does not belong to the usual. Sometimes you have to be in the right place at the right time. After all, they had little advantage of me being there so they could get help to relax and get off the gas, otherwise it would have been more difficult, says Szymanski.

But unfortunately, it was not enough with the two powder extinguishers that were in the commander's car to extinguish the fire before the fire trucks arrived, so the caravan was completely destroyed.

"The cause is probably an electrical fault," says Szymanski.

No person was seriously injured.

- They took in some smoke, but that was no danger, says the rescue officer.

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