Teller Report

The corridors of the courts

6/12/2020, 10:26:22 PM

An Asian worker posed as his friend, and was referred to the Public Prosecution in Dubai and from there to the Criminal Court, which ordered his imprisonment and deportation. A security supervisor in the Emirates Hills area said in the prosecution's investigations that he received a call from a project gatekeeper stating that a person without a work permit tried to enter and suspected

An Asian worker posed as his friend, and was referred to the Dubai Public Prosecution and from there to the Criminal Court, which sentenced him to imprisonment and deportation.

A security supervisor in the Emirates Hills area said in the prosecution's investigations that he received a call from a project gatekeeper stating that a person without a work permit had attempted to enter and suspected him, so he went to him and asked him about his company, but he did not reply, so he asked him for his identity, and he presented an ID card image in the name of a person called (p. M), pointing out that he asked him for his origin, so he claimed that he is in the possession of his sponsor, which led him to inform the police, and it was found that he impersonated his friend's identity, and he was referred to the criminal court who sentenced him to prison for using an official official authentic in the name of others.

Through its "Courts" page, which is published every Saturday, "Emirates Today" receives its readers' consultations and inquiries to know the legal point of view in it.

Prepared by: Mohamed Foda

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