Teller Report

Media expert: Repeating false information makes it look real

6/12/2020, 10:26:28 PM

The media expert, dean of the Faculty of Information at Ajman University, Dr. Hussam Ali Salama, confirmed the spread of rumors and false news very quickly on social media, pointing out that the repetition of false information makes it seem real. He attributed this to the fact that most people do not verify the validity of what

The media expert, dean of the Faculty of Information at Ajman University, Dr. Hussam Ali Salama, confirmed the spread of rumors and false news very quickly on social media, pointing out that the repetition of false information makes it appear real.

He attributed this to the fact that most people do not verify the authenticity of the information they receive, and do not make the slightest effort to verify the authenticity of the source, but rather they share the news or information, to arouse the interest of others, and to obtain their admiration.

This came during a virtual session of two sessions held by the Human Resources Club, affiliated to the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources, recently, for the club's employees from inside and outside the country, which witnessed an unprecedented attendance of 11 thousand and 500 followers.

The club held the two sessions using live broadcasting techniques, and continued the first that discussed "how to manage the diversity of generations in the workplace, and take advantage of this diversity as a competitive advantage" more than 7500 affiliates, while the second session continued, which dealt with the issue of "fake news, ways to detect it, the importance and ways of Educating the public about it, especially in light of the exceptional and emergency circumstances », about 4000 members.

In the first session, the club hosted a faculty member at the College of Business Administration at Ajman University, Dr. Maria Gad Katan, who discussed many topics and issues, such as «Building trust and respect in the workplace, and identifying the most prominent features of the potential difference between generations in the workplace, and how Managing the structure of generational diversity in institutions, and investing them as a competitive advantage. ”

Katan began her speech by touching on the importance of the human factor in institutions, methods of developing the capabilities of employees, and ways to attract talents and talents to work, noting that "talented manpower contributes to supporting the economies of the world to a large extent."

She stated that the nature of the workforce in institutions is currently different from what it was in the past, where you find that most institutions have a workforce of different generations and age groups, adding that the success of institutions and their continuation in competition depend on their ability to manage this diversity, and to create harmony, harmony and harmony between generations, Especially in light of the huge digital transformations that cast a shadow and its repercussions on the work environment.

The lecture also touched on the importance of transferring knowledge and expertise between the generations of the workforce, considering that these experiences and knowledge are an integral part of the institution's balance and inherent heritage, stressing the need for mutual trust and respect among employees of different age groups, so that the process of transferring expertise and knowledge to the generations can be completed. The young woman and the new employees in the organization run smoothly.

She said: «A study prepared by the Human Resources Management Association in the year 2017 showed that the world’s workplaces are witnessing major transformations, due to the rapid technological developments and artificial intelligence technologies, in addition to the presence of five generations of the workforce in the same workplace, which is what is imposed on the institutions The necessity of identifying the different needs of all generations, working to meet them, amending tools and methods of managing and evaluating employee performance, and applying flexible work systems in terms of time and place ».

She added, “Institutions should amend their own human resource laws, policies and legislation to suit the needs of different generations, improve health requirements in the work environment, and adopt a wider job recycling system, in addition to providing training and career development opportunities for employees and leaders alike.”

In its second session, the club hosted the media expert, dean of the Faculty of Information at Ajman University, Dr. Hossam Ali Salama, who talked about the role of community members in limiting the spread of false news and misleading or unreal information, and the impact of social media in accelerating the pace and frequency of news and information. The falsehood, in addition to the role of governments and their trends in reducing false rumors and news, and the impact of the exceptional circumstances that the world is going through, or the crises that some countries may experience, such as conflicts and wars, in passing rumors and false news.

The lecturer explained that rumors and false news are not new, as they have been around for a long time, but what is emerging now is how quickly and easily information can be widely shared, whether it is true or false information, pointing out that anyone is able through many social media platforms. To publish his stories and share them with the world.

Salameh stressed that there are several causes and factors that help spreading rumors and false news quickly, the most important of which is that most people do not verify the validity of the information they receive, and do not make the slightest effort to verify its source, but rather they immediately share it, which leads to its spread like wildfire. In reference to this, a recent study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the American results, which concluded that false news and rumors spread on social media much faster than real news.

He attributed the integrity of these results to the ability of this type of false or misleading news to create feelings of fear or great amazement, which increases people's appetite to read and share with others, to reap their likes, pointing out that many people read fake news and share it because they tend to believe the information that They confirm their preconceived convictions, and are in agreement with them, and because the repetition of the information makes it appear more realistic and truthful, calling on members of society to be aware, wise and responsible when dealing with various types of news.


Two thousand follow two virtual sessions of "human resources".

Many people read and share fake news, because they tend to believe what confirms their prior convictions.

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