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10 things Queen Elizabeth always carries in her handbag

6/12/2020, 9:49:53 PM

People rarely see the British Queen, Elizabeth II without her handbag, and although she has hundreds of handbags in her handbag collection she prefers the classic black bag as she has been using this style for more than 50 years. But what does the king endure

People rarely see the British Queen, Elizabeth II without her handbag, and although she has hundreds of handbags in her handbag collection she prefers the classic black bag as she has been using this style for more than 50 years. But what exactly does the queen carry in that bag?

Over the years, this topic has been a frequent focus on many people interested in matters of Buckingham Palace, and they often wonder what she carries inside her bag when she is accompanied by a whole team of staff whenever she goes to official events.

Several experts revealed that she was carrying ten things in her bag, some of which she had been carrying over the years, including some basic classic items and some practical purposes. Now let's take a look inside the famous Queen's bag.

A £ 5 note:
Everyone has been trading the famous old saying that the Queen does not carry cash. this is not true. The Queen holds some cash. However, she does not carry the money as she goes out, but only on Sunday.

 In her book, Queen Elizabeth: The Woman Behind the Throne, writer Sally Biddle revealed that the queen carries cash in her bag so she can donate to the church. And if some think this seems scarce, then it increases the amount to ten pounds.

A mirror and lipstick: The
queen does not go out without carrying these items with her. In 2012, Biddle said that the Queen is very similar to any other ordinary woman, and she never goes anywhere without these things. It is known that the queen removes lipstick after every banquet or dinner and returns it later.

Hook for her handbag:
The queen always carries a small hook to hang her bag, as she takes out the hook and attaches it secretly on her table to hide her bag. This means that she can easily reach the things she wants and does not have to place this precious bag on the floor.

In her book, Biddle mentioned a guest who was shocked when he was invited to a dinner at the Queen's cousin's home in Berkshire, seeing the Queen spit in a plastic cup before attaching the hook under the table.

Mint, reading glasses and pen:
The Queen also carries these things to use when necessary, and because she spends a lot of her time meeting new people, it's not surprising that she always carries a bunch of mint.

She also always has reading glasses and a pen to be ready to sign the things she is required to sign at official events.

Mobile phone:
Royal biographer Benny Junior says that the queen carries a cell phone in her bag to talk to her grandchildren, “But I don’t know if it's a smart phone or not.” "We know that the royal family has been communicating through video chats since the closure began, and the Queen has been taught how to use Zoom and Skype applications," she said.

Sweeteners coffee:
One of the most curious things the queen is said to bring with her is small packets of sweetener. And although we imagine that someone serving her has supplies of these materials, she always carries these things with her in her bag.

Hull City soccer manager Phil Brown, who was sitting next to the Queen at a lunch in Hull Guildhall - was able to glimpse inside the Queen's bag.

In his book, "What is inside the Queen's handbag: and other royal secrets," writer Phil Damper said in his book that the queen always prefers to have in her bag a set of gloves and tight socks in the event that she wears a tear.

She also has a "wet, scented lavender cloth", which she uses only if she feels a little hot and needs to cool.

Lucky Talismans:
The Queen is also said to carry a number of small talismans and ornaments that her children have given her over the years, including miniature dogs, horses, and family photos. One of the photos she always carries in her bag is for Prince Andrew, taken after his safe return from the Falkland Islands.

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