Teller Report

UAE: The mirage of the military decision that Ankara wants to prolong the suffering of the Libyans

6/11/2020, 10:11:38 PM

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Muhammad Gargash, stressed that the mirage of military decision that Ankara wants prolongs the suffering of the Libyans, while he made clear that the Egyptian initiative on Libya has become at the center of Arab and international political action to restore stability to Libya. Gargash said in a tweet on

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Muhammad Gargash, stressed that the mirage of the military decision that Ankara wants to prolong the suffering of the Libyans, while clarifying that the Egyptian initiative on Libya has become at the center of Arab and international political action to restore stability to Libya.

Gargash said in a tweet on his account on the site «Twitter»: «The Egyptian initiative on Libya has become at the center of Arab and international political action to restore stability to this sister country. We continue our efforts with Cairo to seek an immediate cease-fire and activate the political track. ”

He added that «the mirage of the military decision that Ankara wants to prolong the suffering of the Libyans and violates the international consensus.

Last Saturday, the UAE announced its support for the Egyptian efforts calling for an immediate cease-fire in Libya.

The Egyptian initiative on Libya has become central to Arab and international political action.

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