Teller Report

Trump's father was arrested in a white racist demonstration in 1927

6/11/2020, 10:11:15 PM

Reports published by the New York Times and other American newspapers revealed that Fred Trump, the father of US President Donald Trump, was arrested in 1927 for participating in a demonstration organized by the white racist Ku Klux Klan movement on the anniversary of the American Victory Day. The number of participants reached 1000.

Reports published by the New York Times and other American newspapers revealed that Fred Trump, the father of US President Donald Trump, was arrested in 1927 for participating in a demonstration organized by the white racist Ku Klux Klan movement on the anniversary of the American Victory Day. The number of participants reached 1000. Person.

The report stated that the demonstrators, who were dressed in the distinctive racist group's clothes, entered into a confrontation with the police forces, raising the slogan "We are born American Protestants", and chanted the slogans of the organization saying "One science, one school, one language", in a sign of them to reject the multiplicity The American and he adhered to the priority of the white Anglo-Saxon minority in the United States alone.

The New York Times reported that Fred Trump was 21 years old at the time of his arrest, and that he was caught among six people who were sentenced to various terms of prison while he was released. The newspaper added that his arrest warrant contained references to his place of residence on 24-175 Devonshireward-Jamaica, the same address that the newspaper documented by reading the 1930 census of Fred Trump's residence.

The newspaper did not specify the nature of the role that Fred Trump played in the demonstration, but indicated that he had been "charged with refusing police orders to disperse."

Donald Trump had directed sporadic leaks of this information in his 2015 election campaign, but he denied its authenticity and kept saying nervously for more than 10 times in different formulas, "This is not true at all."

Trump also denied the accusations leveled against him in the same campaign with a member of the Coclux Clan David Rock, after the latter stated in a video broadcast by the "Indian Police Star": "We are determined to restore our country America, and he will fulfill our promises Donald Trump, That is why we will elect him, ”he said, referring to the supporters of white supremacy saying that they hope to limit America to those of European descent.

For its part, the American magazine "Forward" stated that the Department of Human Rights at the US Department of Justice investigated with Trump Father in 1973 on charges of preventing real estate leasing for blacks, taking advantage of his position as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Trump Management Company, and the magazine also mentioned writing the symbol of the Western Woody Gutreth, a famous poem Its title is "Old Trump," and her words condemn Trump's racist practices, and that the poem turned into a popular song.

The Department of Human Rights at the US Department of Justice investigated Trump's father in 1973 for allegedly preventing black property leasing.

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