Teller Report

The State Duma appreciated the statement by the Foreign Minister of Ukraine on sanctions against Russia

6/11/2020, 7:10:58 PM

Anton Morozov, a member of the State Duma’s Foreign Affairs Committee, commented on RT’s appeal of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba to the EU to strengthen sanctions against Russia.

“I think that this gentleman is behind the current trends in European and world politics. Nobody believes the words of Ukrainian politicians that Russia allegedly does not fulfill its agreements on the Minsk agreements, does not allow observers somewhere. Everyone understands that it is Ukraine that is leaving the implementation of the Minsk agreements, ”said Morozov. 

According to the deputy, the European Union no longer wants to "blindly believe in unsubstantiated accusations against Russia."

“Since, based on pragmatic considerations, Europe is interested in restoring full-format cooperation with Russia as soon as possible,” the parliamentarian concluded.

Earlier, Kuleba at a meeting of foreign ministers of the European People’s Party (EPP) called on the EU to strengthen sanctions against Russia.

As noted, he drew the attention of colleagues to "the unwillingness of the Russian side to ensure the implementation of the Paris Summit of the Norman Four, the restriction of access to uncontrolled territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions by representatives of the OSCE and other international organizations, as well as the continued mass certification of the Ukrainian population of these regions by Russia."

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