Teller Report

An initiative to return 200,000 residents who are outside the country

6/11/2020, 10:26:21 PM

The State has launched an initiative to return residents of those with valid residency residing outside the country, targeting the return of approximately 200,000 people, in coordination between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship.

The country launched an initiative to return residents with valid residency residing outside the country, targeting the return of approximately 200,000 people, in coordination between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship.

The General Director of the Commission, Major General Mansour Ahmed Al Dhaheri, confirmed that “Covid-19” examinations are made for residents of those with valid residency residing abroad, immediately upon their arrival in the state’s lands, and obliging them to home or institutional quarantine for a period of 14 days, bearing costs if any, in addition to One of the approved private applications must be used to track the health status, in order to preserve their safety and that of society.

Approval was issued earlier for the return of approximately 31,000 residents during the period between March 25 and June 8, where priority was given to humanitarian cases and relatives.

Al-Dhaheri said that the initiative aims to enable residents living abroad to return to the Emirates as part of a gradual return to normalcy. Regarding the procedures used to obtain approval to return, it includes registration in the service of "resident entry permit" on the website of, and the request will be answered within 48 hours, and after obtaining approval, the individual will be able to reserve the return ticket on national carriers Or the airlines that fly to the country based on the e-mail received from the authority.

The UAE will continue its intensive efforts to combat the "Covid-19" virus, internally and externally, in these exceptional circumstances, to serve the citizens and residents of the homeland.

The Commission noted the spirit of cooperation shown by the evaluators, which contributed to strengthening the efforts and goals of the national program to combat the epidemic.

For his part, Khalid Abdullah Belhoul, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, said that the return of foreign nationals to the country comes within the framework of the Emirates humanitarian efforts in light of the current crisis.

He emphasized the focus on the residents of families that represent 50% of the total of the current stage, cases that are related primarily to the issue of family reunification residing in the state, which confirms the humanitarian message to the Emirates, and its interest in the community of families residing on the homeland, and the return of some jobs will be facilitated Vitality associated with essential services to ensure enhanced quality of life for society.

- returning foreign nationals to the State comes within the framework of the UAE humanitarian efforts in light of the current crisis.

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