Teller Report

WHO explained low mortality from coronavirus in Russia

6/10/2020, 7:36:19 PM

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers it “unusual” that coronavirus mortality is lower in Russia than in many other countries, but explains this with a large test coverage. This was stated by Director of the WHO emergency program, Michael Ryan.

According to TASS, at a briefing in Geneva, Ryan noted that in Russia "a lot of tests are being carried out, and this testing is very, very fast."

According to him, in situations where many people are tested, you can see "a relatively low mortality rate."

He also said that WHO had developed and sent out standard recommendations for certification of deaths among patients with COVID-19 to countries.

Earlier, spokesman for the Russian leader Dmitry Peskov in an interview with CNN denied allegations of possible manipulation of statistics on coronavirus infection in Russia.

He asked reporters if they were "thinking about the possibility that the Russian healthcare system is more effective."

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