Teller Report

Saif "Khaled Bin Al-Walid" moves peacefully from Amr Youssef to Yasser Jalal

6/10/2020, 8:18:25 PM

It is customary in Egyptian art circles that the transfer of a role from one actor to another - especially if the work is large or important - is accompanied by many rumors that may continue until the date of the work presentation.

It was recently announced that the artist Yasser Jalal will receive the role of "Khaled Bin Al-Walid" in the upcoming series "Saif Allah", to become a substitute for Amr Youssef, who was the first choice and appeared in one of the posters of the series.

This transmission is not surprising, but the way it was announced, which came via a video on social media, in which both Yasser Jalal and Amr Youssef appeared together.

Peaceful transmission

It is usual in the Egyptian art circles that the transfer of a role from one actor to another - especially if the work is large or important - is accompanied by many rumors that may continue until the date of the work presentation, and revolve around problems between the old hero and the production company, or between the old and new actor, but may even It is then renewed whenever the name of the competing actor is mentioned.

Previous series poster (communication sites)

That is why the announcement method came, in its simplicity, creative and categorical to all doubts, as Yasser Jalal appeared alone in the video at the beginning and talked about the desire of "Synergy" to contract him to play the role of Khaled bin Al-Walid, and that he wanted to make sure that Amr Youssef abandoned the role with a satisfied content He tried to communicate with him, and after that he appeared in the video, Amr Youssef, who confirmed his preoccupation with another role for a new series in the coming year, so it will not be appropriate for him anymore to work in the series "Saif Allah".

This video contributed to the increased contributions of Yasser Jalal and Amr Youssef in the eyes of followers who liked the understanding and love between the actors. In practical terms, however, this video is more useful to Amr Youssef, as he removed the suspicion of any dispute between him and the "Synergy" producer, which currently holds most of the Egyptian TV and film production, and the belief of people in the artistic community that it is "angered" by it, which may affect it negatively. Certainly.

Controversy before the start

It was not the first time that the series "Saif Allah" caused controversy, since it was announced, it became the subject of many discussions, at the beginning because some refused to photograph the companions on TV, and the dispute over the choice of the personality "Khaled bin Al-Walid" from the ground up to be presented in an Egyptian series, and payment Towards presenting Egyptian historical and Islamic personalities, as well as choosing Amr Youssef himself and the make-up and clothes with which he appeared in the propaganda poster.

In an attempt to break all doubts about the production of the series, the director Raouf Abdel Aziz announced that filming will begin in Jordan, but the series has again returned to the controversy of stopping filming, and the reason has not been announced with conflicting statements such as obstacles in the permits of filming in Jordan, or a dispute between The hero and the producing company.

And in the past weeks, after the news of Amr Yusuf abandoned the role, a campaign started on social media among viewers to choose a new actor for the character of Khaled Ibn Al-Walid, the hero chosen for her was the actor "Mohamed Khamis" who appeared more than once in the series of Ramadan last of them. The End ”and“ Eyewitness, ”but after Yasser Jalal got the role, he announced his support for him on his Facebook page.

Advance comparison

The year 2020 was one of the most successful and prosperous years in Yasser Jalal’s artistic career, which was stalled by a long time. In the last season of Ramadan, he presented the series “Al-Fatwa”, which won the admiration of many viewers and critics, and was considered one of the best series of the year. And now he gets a historic opportunity in an epic series with a huge production budget, based on the book of the famous author Abbas Mahmoud Al-Akkad.

But at the same time, Jalal was already put in comparison with Bassem Yakhour, who played the same role before 2006 in a Syrian series that achieved great success, especially with the proliferation of Syrian historical series in that era, which did not find her almost a competitor in the Arab world with The historical Egyptian series declined at the beginning of the twenty-first century.