Teller Report

Health priority - Occupational health

6/10/2020, 11:09:42 AM

Established in many companies during confinement, teleworking can generate health risks. Overwork, difficulty putting up barriers with personal life ... C ...

Health at work

Audio 48:30

Overwork, difficulty in putting up barriers with personal life ... Teleworking brings new challenges for the employee. iStock / Drazen Zigic

By: Caroline Paré Follow

Established in many companies during confinement, teleworking can generate health risks. Overwork, difficulty in putting up barriers with personal life ... This generalization of telework questions our relationship to work and the consequences it can have on our health.


What can be the different forms of occupational diseases? What recognition and what care?

  • Annie Thebaud-Mony , sociologist, honorary research director at Inserm , associate researcher at the Scientific Interest Group on Cancers of Professional Origin (GISCOP 93) at the University of Paris 13, president of the association Henri Pézerat ( association to support struggles for health related to work and the environment)
  • Arouna Ouédraogo , head of psychiatry service at the CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo in Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, president of the Burkina Faso Mental Health Society
  • Dr Marielle Dumortier , occupational doctor for 35 years who travels the Ile-de-France with his truck to receive his patients 
  • Michel Héry , researcher in charge of applications at the National Research and Security Institute (INRS) , specialist in the evaluation of occupational exposures and responsible for the Prevention of occupational cancers project

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