Teller Report

Coronavirus: 29,319 deaths in France, decrease in the number of hospitalized and intensive care patients

6/10/2020, 5:33:14 PM

The coronavirus has killed 29,319 people in France since the start of the epidemic.The coronavirus has killed 29,319 people in France since the start of the epidemic. The number of resuscitation patients continues to drop after falling below the symbolic threshold of 1,000 yesterday. The latest assessment of the coronavirus epidemic reports 29,319 deaths. It is 23 more deaths than according to the last assessment, 24 hours ago. 11,678 people were hospitalized for a coronavirus i...

The coronavirus has killed 29,319 people in France since the start of the epidemic. The number of resuscitation patients continues to drop after falling below the symbolic threshold of 1,000 yesterday.

The latest assessment of the coronavirus epidemic reports 29,319 deaths. It is 23 more deaths than according to the last assessment, 24 hours ago. 11,678 people were hospitalized for a coronavirus infection and 130 new admissions were registered in 24 hours. This figure, like the rest of the indicators, is decreasing.

933 people in intensive care

The number of resuscitation patients continues to drop after falling below the symbolic threshold of 1,000 yesterday. 23 new serious cases were admitted to intensive care. The balance remains negative, with 22 fewer coronavirus patients compared to Tuesday. A total of 933 people with a severe form of coronavirus are hospitalized in intensive care.

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