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Chinese and foreign experts agree that the epidemic highlights the importance of international cooperation

6/10/2020, 11:24:25 PM

  (Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Chinese and foreign experts agree that the epidemic highlights the importance of international cooperation   China News Agency, Beijing, June 10 (Reporter Diao Haiyang) The Global Think Tank Anti-epidemic Cooperation Cloud Forum was held on June 9-10, Beijing time. At the sub-forum on "International Cooperation in Anti-epidemic: Opportunities and Challe...

  (Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Chinese and foreign experts agree that the epidemic highlights the importance of international cooperation

  China News Agency, Beijing, June 10 (Reporter Diao Haiyang) The Global Think Tank Anti-epidemic Cooperation Cloud Forum was held on June 9-10, Beijing time. At the sub-forum on "International Cooperation in Anti-epidemic: Opportunities and Challenges" held on the 10th, more than 20 Chinese and foreign experts discussed the role of international organizations in the epidemic situation, the trend of globalization, and the importance of international cooperation.

  This sub-forum is hosted by a global think tank. Wang Huiyao, founder and chairman of the global think tank, said that the impact of the epidemic on the global economy is unprecedented. The impact on developing countries is even more severe. All parties should unite and promote cooperation to deal with the epidemic.

  Support multilateral institutions to function

  Aide Ming, deputy governor of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, said that countries should continue to strengthen support for multilateral institutions, which is very helpful for countries to get out of the current predicament. For example, the Asian Investment Bank has worked closely with the Asian Development Bank to launch a series of financial assistance projects. He also said that after the epidemic, the demand for infrastructure investment in Asia will become more obvious.

  Hiroshi Hasegawa, head of the Japan Trade Promotion Agency Hong Kong, also pointed out that the enlightenment brought by the new crown epidemic is that to strengthen cooperation instead of isolation, the World Health Organization can effectively reduce the negative impact of the epidemic. He stated that trust is essential to the normal operation of international institutions. It is necessary for all countries to establish a stronger system of mutual trust.

  Rui Wanjie, CEO of the African Development Research Center, also believes that the role of multilateral institutions is indispensable. Taking the current epidemic as an example, she said that the African CDC responded quickly after the outbreak, and provided African countries with timely and comprehensive information and guidance on epidemic prevention. This is one of the main reasons why there is no “catastrophic” outbreak in the current African outbreak.

  Globalization can only go deep and not go backwards

  The former Deputy Minister of Italian Economic Development, Geracchi, said that the new crown epidemic really affected tourism, transportation and other industries, but this does not mean that globalization is declining. Emerging industries represented by digital industries will make globalization trend. Was strengthened. He said that protectionism should not be allowed to prevail, and countries need to get closer, not the other way around.

  Geraki said that the epidemic has caused many countries to start to examine their own institutional and social structural flaws, and began to seek a more open approach to the crisis. He said that recognizing the relative rationality and reference of other countries' policies is an important condition for promoting international cooperation.

  Ulrich Bloom, the founding director of the German Institute for Materials Economics, said that at present, globalization is being severely challenged, and the epidemic has accelerated the process of counter-globalization to a certain extent. He believes that the world urgently needs to establish a more stable economic and political order. The world must improve economic stability without retrogressing globalization. He believes that the role of multilateral institutions such as the WTO and the Asian Investment Bank should be further played.

  The epidemic highlights the importance of international cooperation

  Long Anzhi, founding director of the Nepal Himalaya Consensus Institute, said that the new crown epidemic has taught us many lessons. One of the most important lessons is that in the face of a global pandemic, we strengthen cooperation. At the same time, we should prepare in advance for potential future crises. We should learn to share information in a timely manner instead of planning to "decouple".

  Tan Sri Yang Yuanqing, chairman of the Malaysian Kingsley Institute of Strategic Studies, said the epidemic showed the importance of international cooperation and multilateralism. As far as East Asia is concerned, it is very necessary for countries to strengthen cooperation in the fields of finance, trade and infrastructure construction, and it will also create more opportunities.

  Former Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister Ziad Baha Erding said that facing the future, we must be conscious to avoid repeating the past. If we are to truly overcome the current crisis and avoid similar crises in the future, then we must critically examine the current economic, social and political framework and work together to create a better and more prosperous world. (Finish)