Teller Report

Taobao live broadcast, quick hands, and vibrato fight live broadcast: Don't let that star run away!

6/9/2020, 10:42:30 AM

  "Tao fast shaking" fight method live broadcast: Don't let that star run away!   Sino-Singapore Jingwei client, June 9 (Chang Tao) "Whoever is behind is panic, although it may not be what it takes to lead." In this state of mind, "Tao fast shaking" (Taobao live broadcast, fast hands, vibrato) opens There was a battle of "surrounding" stars. Behind this, there are both the star's desire to "live"...

  "Tao fast shaking" fight method live broadcast: Don't let that star run away!

  Sino-Singapore Jingwei client, June 9 (Chang Tao) "Whoever is behind is panic, although it may not be what it takes to lead." In this state of mind, "Tao fast shaking" (Taobao live broadcast, fast hands, vibrato) opens There was a battle of "surrounding" stars. Behind this, there are both the star's desire to "live" and the platform's competition for new traffic pools and brands.

Star live broadcast, three-point world

  At 17:30 in the afternoon of June 5, the artist Zheng Shuang, who had just joined the fast-tracker "Innovation Lab Partner" the day before, appeared in the live broadcast room. In this two-and-a-half hour live broadcast, Zheng Shuang made a model, learned how to use the Kuaishou internal office software Kim, made a magic expression pack, and ate a hot pot overtime meal.

  Some netizens commented that this onboarding live broadcast is more like a large-scale public relations performance jointly conducted by Zheng Shuang and Kuaishou.

  Just a few days ago, on May 29, an account with ID "Classmate Zhou" appeared in Kuaishou. Subsequently, the account profile of "the only one in the whole network, only in Kuaishou" made Jay Chou's entry in Kuaishou spread.

  Jay Chou screenshots screenshot

  On June 1, Jay Chou's quick account was officially "opened". In just 10 days or so, nearly 16.5 million followers were harvested. Jay Chou's first Chinese-language social media opened in Quick Hands, which brought the latter a lot of attention in public opinion.

  Quick hands "harvest" the star non-stop. The latest news is that Netease CEO Ding Lei's live show debut was also selected by Kuaishou.

  According to media reports, this cooperation was promoted by Kuaishou's commercialization department and Netease's strict selection department. Ding Lei's first live broadcast was also based on Netease's strict selection of commodities. Before that, Douyin was also in contact with NetEase Yanxuan.

  Although "lost" Ding Lei, Douyin obviously moved earlier and invited the star to settle in for the broadcast. What I have to mention here is the super IP of Luo Yonghao. In addition, artist Chen He also announced on May 13 that he will be stationed on Douyin for a live broadcast.

  In terms of supporting the stars, Kuaishou has more advantages than Douyin. According to statistics, there are no more than three figures in the fast-handed entry of stars. Wang Zulan ranked first with 28.455 million fans, while Douyin has 2469 settled stars. The number of fans has exceeded 40 million and 50 million. Among them, Chen He with the highest number of fans has 64.191 million fans.

  Of course, there is another player in this track that cannot be ignored, that is Taobao live broadcast. On May 27th, Tmall announced the first 300 live broadcast lists of 618 stars, and this list is still growing. Tmall said that there will be at least 10 celebrities online every day.

  Source: Taobao Live

  On the evening of June 6, actor Liu Tao appeared as "Liu Yidao" in the Taobao live room. This is her fourth live broadcast since she "entered" Ali in May. That night, she guided the order to exceed 220 million yuan. In addition, the host Wang Han said that there will be 36 Taobao live broadcasts this year.

Stars have to live?

  According to the information provided by Taobao live broadcast, star entertainers "live and fight" when they start live broadcast.

  Taobao Live said that on the day of the announcement of the star live broadcast list on May 27, nearly one hundred stars were knocking on the Taobao live broadcast. Many stars and agents called to ask how to join Taobao Live. Brands and businesses asked how to enter the star's live broadcast room.

  Why do celebrity entertainers have live broadcasts or live broadcasts? From the perspective of star artists, Internet analyst Liu Yanfei, who has been watching live broadcasts for a long time, gave an explanation: for them, it has been too long to ignore short videos and live broadcasts in the past, and it is time to pay off.

  Source: Taobao Live

  Liu Yanfei believes that celebrities also have to "live". Compared with the past income from film and television music and brand business cooperation, they rely on live broadcast rewards, live streaming and brand business cooperation on "Tao Kuai Shao". Income is more imaginative.

  "The first wave of live broadcast stars must have a sense of entertainment and variety, and the core of the live broadcast culture is funny." Liu Yanfei said.

  "Not all celebrities have the courage and ability to start live broadcasting and make short videos. In practice, there are many star live broadcasts, and there are a lot of deaths. The platform has signed a contract with the star, in fact, it is also an adventure. Being able to handle short video creation and reward live broadcasts There will not be many stars with these three levels of live streaming."

  Liu Yanfei said that more celebrities should be more willing to sign brand endorsements, or show their faces in the live broadcast rooms of Li Jiaqi and Wei Ya to earn endorsement fees and announcement fees.

Amoy shake quickly, do not want to panic

  "Tao Kuaisha" live broadcast, the characteristics are different. In the eyes of the outside world, Kuaishou prefers social attributes and encourages anchors to operate their own private domain traffic pools. This is helpful to improve the anchor stickiness of the anchors, and train the head anchors. As a result, "family rivers and lakes" like Simba and Sanda were formed on the Kuaishou platform.

  Some analysts believe that such an atmosphere can provide fast-handed users with a unique sense of collective identity, and the growth of anchors is also more dependent on "mutual support". But for celebrities who are trying to broadcast live for the first time, the quick-handed social ecology and gameplay are not necessarily suitable for amplifying their influence and live broadcast spread.

  In contrast, Douyin is more suitable as a platform for celebrity live shows. Douyin's public domain traffic can bring considerable benefits to celebrities, which is also the biggest advantage of attracting celebrities.

  But no matter what the characteristics are, "Tao Kuai Shao" seizes the stars and keeps on aiming at the new traffic pool without exception.

  "The days of MCN are difficult, the input-output ratio is declining, and the contribution rate to the live broadcast platform is declining. The platform must find new traffic and can only start with the stars." An industry source told the reporter of China New Zealand Jingwei.

  Liu Yanfei analyzed that the competition among the giants in the field of live broadcasting has become a competition for stars. To a large extent, celebrities are top-level traffic, grabbing celebrities is grabbing traffic, and deeper behind grabbing traffic is grabbing brands. "Everyone who is behind is panicked. It doesn't have to be that way even though you are leading."

  He pointed out that when a star does live streaming, not only can he maximize the use of the brand, but also has no category restrictions. "Only when big names are involved, is it interesting to bring goods live. The platform is the fastest way to find a brand premium and find stars." (Zhongjing Jingwei APP)

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