Teller Report

Table Tennis Court→Church→Welfare Facility… Sporadic'nth infection' in the metropolitan area

6/9/2020, 12:48:41 PM

Collective infections throughout the metropolitan area are also continuing. Several people were confirmed at an elderly welfare facility in Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi-do, and at a door-to-door sales company in Seongnam, alleged to be a serial infection from a table tennis field in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, and a door-to-door store in Gwanak-gu, respectively.


Collective infections across the metropolitan area are continuing. Several people were confirmed at an elderly welfare facility in Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi-do, and at a door-to-door sales company in Seongnam. It is presumed to be a serial infection from a table tennis field in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, and a door-to-door store in Gwanak-gu, respectively.

Reporter Min Kyung-ho reports.


Gwangmyeong Gyeonggi-do General Social Welfare Center.

On the 2nd floor of the welfare center, there is a senior protection center that takes care of the elderly with disabilities, and 7 people including residents and workers were confirmed after two days.

The first resident of the center, 71-year-old A, Guro-gu, Seoul, was tested by 45 contacts, after which three additional residents in their 80s and three workers in their 50s were additionally positive.

Mr. A is believed to have been infected after attending a service at Yongin Tree Church on the 31st of last month.

The collective infection of the Big Tree Church originated from the table tennis court in Yangcheon-gu, and the third spread to the elderly welfare facilities following the table tennis court and the church.

It is a building with a senior protection center.

In addition to this, it is a general social welfare center with a local children's center, etc., and is now closed temporarily and cannot be accessed.

The children's center uses the 4th floor of the building and the 2nd floor where the elderly care center is located, and 19 elementary school students who use the children's center are included in the inspection, which raises concerns.

There was another group infection of visiting sellers.

Six employees of NBS Partners, a door-to-door dealership in Bundang, have been confirmed, which is believed to be a secondary infection by Richway visitors to Gwanak-gu.

[Seongnam City Hall official: ('Richway' visitor)'NBS Partners' It is said to have visited here twice. (We are conducting an investigation on 12 people who have come into contact with this person.)] So

far, more than 50 people have been infected with Yangcheon Table Tennis, and more than 70 people have been affected by Richway.

(Video coverage: Park Dong-ryul, video editing: Moo-Hwan Jo, VJ: Jong-Gap Kim) 

▶ 10 cases of new infection in one month… "The metropolitan area pandemic"
▶'School closure' due to Incheon sister infection… Large school books are also confirmed.