Teller Report

Starting today, when going to karaoke and clubs,'QR code'… Metropolitan area pandemic border

6/9/2020, 10:39:42 PM

The cases I gave you today are the same, and 97% of community outbreaks this month are in the metropolitan area. Health authorities have issued strong warnings about pandemic in the metropolitan area, but you should be careful. Starting today, when entering or entering a high-risk facility such as karaoke, it is also mandatory to create an electronic register using QR codes.

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cases given today (10th) are the same, and 97% of community outbreaks this month are in the metropolitan area. Health authorities have issued strong warnings about pandemic in the metropolitan area, but you should be careful. Starting today, when entering or entering a high-risk facility such as karaoke, it is also mandatory to create an electronic register using QR codes.

Reporter Kim Hyeong-rae.


There are 10 cases of collective infection in which more than 10 people have been infected since the distance in life began on the 6th of last month.

Itaewon Club, Kupang Logistics Center, Metropolitan Pioneering Church, Gwanak Richway, Yangcheon Table Tennis Court, etc. all occurred in the metropolitan area.

A whopping 97% of the new community outbreaks this month came from the metropolitan area.

Health officials expressed a sense of crisis, citing the possibility of corona 19 pandemic.

[Song Yeong-Rae, spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Welfare: If the chain of contagious infection cannot be prevented early, the situation in the metropolitan area is also a concern.] The

government held an emergency ministerial meeting and announced measures to strengthen quarantine.

In the future, if we deliberately refused or interfered with the epidemiological investigation, we decided in principle to conduct investigations and to actively pursue claims for compensation.

In addition, establishments that have violated the quarantine guidelines are to be dealt with strictly by law, and decided to conduct preventive checks on missionary facilities, hamba restaurants, and manpower offices.

Starting today, it is compulsory to create an electronic attendance list using QR codes at over 80,000 high-risk facilities such as singing practice centers and entertainment facilities.

If the government does not introduce an electronic directory or is caught falsely, it will take a fine of up to 3 million won or dispose of a business prohibition through the transition period.

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