Teller Report

Emirates Airlines: A difficult decision to lay off some of our employees ... and offer them all possible support

6/9/2020, 5:21:59 PM

A spokesman for Emirates Airlines said in a statement today: "We have repeatedly confirmed that we in the Emirates Group are doing everything in our power to keep our employees as experienced and efficient as we can.

A spokesman for Emirates Airlines said in a statement today: "We have repeatedly confirmed that we in the Emirates Group are doing everything we can to keep our employees as experienced and efficient as we can. However, the major repercussions on our business as a result of the pandemic Covid-19, made us unable to Maintaining the extra resources and we hoped to adjust the size of the workforce in proportion to the tremendous shrinkage in our operations. After examining all the available scenarios and options, we found no difficult decision to lay off some of our employees. While the Emirates Group spared no effort to retain its employees, We affirm our commitment to treat everyone with the utmost justice and respect, and we will provide the employees affected by this decision, which was not easy for us to make, every possible support. "

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