Teller Report

'Corona Employment Shock' 39.2 million employed in May ↓… Decrease for three consecutive months

6/9/2020, 11:10:10 PM

The job market shock following the spread of Corona19 has reduced the number of employed workers by more than 390,000 in May. According to the'May 2020 Employment Trends' announced by the National Statistical Office today, the number of employed people last month was 269.33 million, a decrease of 392,000 compared to a year ago.

The job market shock following the spread of Corona19 has reduced the number of employed workers by more than 390,000 in May.

According to the'May 2020 Employment Trends' released by the National Statistical Office today (10th), the number of employed last month was 269.3 million, a decrease of 392,000 compared to a year ago.

It decreased for the third consecutive month following last March (-195,000) and April (-476,000).

The number of unemployment for the third consecutive month is the first time since it recorded a negative for the fourth consecutive month from October 2009 to January 2010 when the global financial crisis was overwhelming.

The employment rate for those aged 15 and over was 60.2%, down 1.3 percentage points from the same month of the previous year.

The OECD-based comparison rate for employment between 15 and 64 is 65.8%, down 1.3 percentage points from a year ago.

The economically active population was 2,820,900, down 259,000 from the same month of the previous year.

The non-economically active population, who had no intention of finding a job and did not get a job, counted as 1,654,8,000, an increase of 555,000 from the same month last year.

The number of unemployed people increased from 133,000 to 1278,000.

The unemployment rate climbed 0.5% to 4.5%, the highest level since 1999 statistics.