Teller Report

"I'm built like this" Burn burned 9 years old, barely running away

6/9/2020, 12:24:58 AM

Another serious child abuse situation was confirmed following the death of a child trapped in a suitcase in Cheonan. A 9-year-old skinny skinny child in Changnyeong was rescued with bruises and burns all over his body.


Another serious child abuse situation was confirmed following the death of a child trapped in a suitcase in Cheonan. A 9-year-old skinny skinny child in Changnyeong was rescued with bruises and burns all over his body. The child's stepfather and his mother are under investigation.

I am a reporter from KNN Pyo Joong-kyu.

<Reporter> On the

29th of last month, a child enters a convenience store holding a woman's hand.

It was a skinny body, but it was bruised from face to toe.

[Kim Hyun-suk/Witness (Convenience store owner): (Child) I have a serious condition on my face. It was so swollen that it was dressed, and the bruise was so black. My body is shivering… .]

A 9-year-old sheep was rescued by a woman on the way from the stepfather's assault.

When I buy food, I eat it without a break.

[Kim Hyun-suk/Witness (convenience store owner): He showed me that his father was tired. My hands are sore and swollen, and I want to eat something in that state, but the child just eats. I guess

he was starving .] The child who solved only hunger and hunger was known to go to the Changnyeong Police Station with the woman who brought her straight away.

Ms. A said she had been abused by her stepfather and her mother for two years.

The mother has been treated for schizophrenia, and the children born to her stepfather are not reported to have been abused.

A was criticized for moving from Geoje to Changnyeong in January and not attending Corona, where the blind spot in the safety net brought child abuse.

(Video coverage: Changwook Jung KNN, Video editing: Kangwoo Jin Kang)

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