Teller Report

President Trump motivates police officers to reform code of conduct

6/8/2020, 11:51:18 PM

[NHK] In the United States, as a black man is killed by a white police officer holding his neck down on his neck, there is a growing call for reform of police organizations.

President Trump motivated police officers to reform code of conduct, killed black man on June 9, 8:44

President Trump is motivated to reform police code of conduct in the United States as a black man dies from a white police officer holding his neck down on his knees and calls for police reform. I showed you. The opposition party and the Democratic Party also announced a police reform bill on this day, and it seems that it will be a new issue for the autumn presidential election.

In the United States, after the death of a black man in Minnesota in the Midwest, excessive crackdown by police officers has become a new issue, and calls for reform of police organizations and codes of conduct have increased.

President Trump met with U.S. police representatives at the White House on the 8th, saying, "99% of police officers are talented and record-breaking security." The majority of police officers advocated working for citizens.

On the other hand, he said, "I would like to come up with an idea of ​​how to reform so that this incident that should not have happened again will not occur again," and expressed motivation to reform the code of conduct of police officers. ..

In addition, the opposition party and the Democratic Party also announced a police reform bill on the 8th, prohibiting police officers from pressing down on the suspect's neck and obliging police officers to wear a small camera on their uniforms. It was

About this bill, the Democratic Party wants to pass the majority of seats this month in the House of Representatives, but the ruling party and the Republican Party are expected to have a fierce debate in the majority of the Senate, and it will be a new issue for the autumn presidential election. is.

Democratic police reform bill

The Democratic Party's leadership and a powerful black lawmaker in the party announced at a press conference on August 8 that police officers are prohibited from pressing down on the suspect's neck and a small police uniform Mandatory wearing of cameras and making it easier to claim damages for illegal acts by police officers are included.

The Democratic Party wants the bill to pass the majority of seats this month in the House of Representatives, but strong opposition to the ruling and Republican Senate is expected.

Prior to the conference, Democratic members of the House of Representatives such as Pelosi mourned the death of a dead black man for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, in time.

Chairman Pelosi said in a press conference, "The Republican leadership and the president should not interfere with the realization of justice. The country and the parliament will not make concessions until the bill is passed." Emphasizing, and in anticipation of the presidential election this November, it is expected that there will be a fierce debate between the ruling and opposition parties.