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Here is the Colao plan, 100 projects for stronger Italy

6/8/2020, 7:51:31 PM

Opposition: Chambers are involvedColao presents Conte plan, 6 points for raising Share 08 June 2020 The "Colao recipe" is coming to draw Italy which should be in the next two years. From tourism to the environment, from research to a more modern public administration through contingent actions due to the health emergency to arrive at structural interventions capable of redesigning a "stronger, resilient and fairer" Italy. There ...

  • Colao presents Conte plan, 6 points for raising


08 June 2020 The "Colao recipe" is coming to draw Italy which should be in the next two years. From tourism to the environment, from research to a more modern public administration through contingent actions due to the health emergency to arrive at structural interventions capable of redesigning a "stronger, resilient and fairer" Italy. There are over 100 proposals delivered by the task force led by Vittorio Colao to the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, to restart the country.

Six areas of intervention that see businesses and work as the "engine of the economy", infrastructures and the environment as "the driving force of revitalization", tourism, art and culture as the "brand of the country", with a Public administration that aims to be an "ally of citizens and businesses" and sectors such as education and research to be considered as "key factors for development". Without neglecting the individuals and families for whom it is urgent to build "a more inclusive and fairer society".

There are six areas of interventions without hierarchies, all functional to the growth of the country even if some of the proposals foresee immediate interventions, at zero cost, and others indicate a path of medium-long term reforms. In short, a complete menu that the team led by the Italian manager handed over to the premier without wishing to stir up new controversies: the work, it is clear, was carried out "on a voluntary basis and at no cost to the community" they point out the 17 members of the task force made up of top managers, economists, sociologists, physicists, lawyers and job specialists.

Controversy that reappeared even today after the premier took over the work done by the team. "Since the Task Force is paid for by the Italians, there must be no secrets about the country's relaunch plans: take out the documents!" Salvini attacks before the text of the plan was revealed. However, the League indicates its priorities: "Genoa model for infrastructure, flat tax to help millions of families, not to Mes to not sell the future of our children and closed ports".

Even Forza Italia does not want to stand by and watch. "We ask that the Colao plan be officially transmitted to the Chambers and an audition with Dr. Colao. If we need the ticket from London we will pay for it," asked the head of the Fi group, Maria Stella Gelmini, in the Chamber.

The plan, however, seems in some ways unassailable as it puts many of the intervention actions requested by the political forces in recent months on black and white. There is an indication to postpone the 2019 tax balance and the advance payment for 2020, there is the advice to exclude the 'Covid-19 contagion' from the employer's criminal liability for non-healthcare companies and that to temporarily tax neutralize the cost of organizational interventions for the adoption of safety protocols.

But there is also the request to define and adopt an ethical code for the PA on smart working; allow (as a temporary derogation) the renewal of fixed-term contracts expiring at least for the whole of 2020. And there is a need to tax tourism companies while the need to encourage the resettlement of high-value activities in Italy is highlighted value added.

And then there are all the indications to start a real process of infrastructuring the country, freeing it from the bureaucracy and starting it towards a healthy investment process. Without leaving behind the problems related to the digital divide and to what is considered necessary, indeed indispensable, that is, the development of 5G technologies. With attentions that will not be overlooked by the M5s and the Democratic Party on the issues of the green economy and the war on hydrogeological instability.