Teller Report

$ 1 million bond for police charged with murder of George Floyd

6/8/2020, 8:33:24 PM

Derek Chauvin appeared in an orange prisoner outfit on Monday for a procedural hearing organized by video from the high-security prison in which he is being held. & Nbsp; Bail of at least one million dollars has been set. & Nbsp;

Derek Chauvin appeared on Monday in an orange prisoner outfit for a procedural hearing organized by video from the high security prison in which he is detained. A bond of at least one million dollars has been set. 

A bail of at least one million dollars (885,000 euros) was fixed Monday at the first appearance in court of the American police officer Derek Chauvin, accused of the murder of George Floyd

The face of police brutality around the world since the broadcast of a video showing him pressing his knee for nearly nine minutes on the neck of a suffocating African-American, Derek Chauvin appeared in an orange prisoner outfit for a procedural hearing organized by video from the high security prison in which he is detained. 

Facts reclassified as unpremeditated murder

In a neutral voice, he answered questions from Judge Jeannice Reding, notably agreeing to surrender his arms or to give up appearing in person. Derek Chauvin had initially been charged with manslaughter, but the facts were reclassified as premeditated murder, a count punishable by 40 years in prison. 

At the short hearing, Hennepin County Justice Reding fixed his bail at one million dollars with several conditions, or 1.25 million unconditionally, if he wants to be released on parole before his trial . His lawyer, Eric Nelson, did not object to this sum, which he probably could not collect.

Three other officers prosecuted

Prosecutor Matthew Frank stressed that the tragedy "obviously had a strong impact" on the population and that Derek Chauvin risked wanting to flee the prosecution and the reaction of the public. The parties have agreed to meet for a next hearing on June 29, which for the first time will deal with the merits of the case. Three other officers, who had witnessed the scene, were arrested and are being prosecuted for complicity. 

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