Teller Report

Washington from here - [Original podcast] Death of George Floyd: America is ablaze

6/5/2020, 11:42:16 AM

The death of George Floyd on May 25 ignited America, with demonstrations in each of the fifty states, riots too, and thirty cities under curfew, including the c…

[Original podcast] Death of George Floyd: America is ablaze

Audio 25:11

Protesters gathered in Minneapolis to pay homage to George Floyd, June 4, 2020. REUTERS / Adam Bettcher TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

By: French public radio stations | Anne Corpet Follow

The death of George Floyd on May 25 ignited America, with demonstrations in each of the fifty states, riots too, and thirty cities under curfew, including the federal capital Washington. The correspondents of our five radio stations make you live this social explosion from the inside, from DC to Minneapolis.


To record this seventeenth episode, they met at Ben's Chili Bowl. Once again ! First because the hot dogs are delicious there, then because, in the American capital, it is a high place of the black community. And one of the few restaurants on U Street that did not burn during the riots of 1968 after the death of Martin Luther King.

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