Teller Report

"Because I didn't have hospital expenses..." The old and sick companion dog arrested

6/5/2020, 7:48:21 AM

The North Korean Police Department said today that it is investigating a couple Mr. A on charges of violating the Animal Protection Act. Mr. A and the couple are alleged to have buried dogs buried in the ground at a residential area in Gupo-dong, Buk-gu, Busan around 11 pm on the 26th of last month.

▲ Pet dog rescued while buried in the ground

The police were arrested by a couple of poor dogs who buried their dogs in the ground.

The North Korean police station said today (5th) that they were investigating a couple A (64) and B (61), allegedly in violation of the Animal Protection Act.

Mr. A and the couple are alleged to have buried dogs buried in the ground at a residential area in Gupo-dong, Buk-gu, Busan around 11 pm on the 26th of last month.

The dog, a female Pekingese species, was rescued by a firefighter who reported to the neighbors that the dogs were constantly beeping in the ground, but was killed in two days.

At the time of discovery, he had only seen his back, and his face and legs were buried in the ground, so he could not breathe properly and was exhausted.

After receiving a citizen report, Buk-gu, Busan, commissioned an investigation into the Busan North Police Station on the 2nd to find the criminal who buried the dog.

The police did not have a closed circuit (CC) TV with the scenes of the crime, but after investigating, they secured reports, including Mr. A, watching the scene where the couple were moving their dogs into a black bag and arrested them after tracking.

A police investigation revealed that the couple inherited a female Pekinese that their children had been raising for about 10 years, raised them for about 2 years, and were found to have been buried last month.

The police reportedly said that they were "old and sick and took them to an animal hospital, but they had no money to cure them and no money to euthanize them."

(Photo = readers provided, Yonhap News)