Teller Report

Popova called for an algorithm to respond to new pandemics

6/4/2020, 1:07:18 PM

The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova believes that it is very important to combine the experience of experiencing a pandemic to build an algorithm for the next such case, which can happen in one form or another.

Speaking at the Valdai Discussion Club on the topic of coronavirus infection, Popova noted that it is important to combine experience and learn from “every such extremely difficult stage in life” around the world.

According to Popova, it is necessary "to lose nothing, consolidate, combine and make an algorithm for the following case."

“The fact that he will be, it is absolutely obvious - in one form or another. We don’t know who he will affect, but we should have an algorithm of actions, ”she said, emphasizing that this should be a general algorithm that everyone could use.

Hans Kluge, director of the World Health Organization's Regional Office for Europe, said earlier that there was a clear threat of a re-surge in COVID-19.

He added that the second wave of the disease is not inevitable.