Teller Report

Ballet parking knight 1 minute 30 seconds away, stealing a foreign car

6/4/2020, 11:12:39 PM

Yesterday, someone stole a high-class foreign car that left ballet parking in Gangnam, Seoul, and ran away. The ballet parking driver was away for a very short time, but the police are chasing the vehicle and the theft.


Yesterday (4th) Someone stole a high-class foreign car that was in charge of ballet parking in Gangnam, Seoul, and ran away. The ballet parking driver was away for a very short time, but the police are chasing the vehicle and the theft.

Reporter Hong Young-jae.

<Reporter> In

front of a building in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, a valet parking driver parks the vehicle when a person gets off the luxury foreign car, which costs 100 million won.

The ballet parking driver moves the foreign passenger car to the parking lot opposite the building about 10 m away from the building to get another car out.

After a while, a man comes out of the alley and approaches the vehicle.

After wandering around, board the vehicle and drive naturally.

However, this man was not the owner of the vehicle.

[Stolen vehicle owner: Ballet parking (knight) came and asked (by me) if you ever drove a car. What's going on I just left the car and left the car key right

away .] Someone stole the car and ran away just 1 minute and 30 seconds after the ballet driver left.

The ballet parking driver said it happened while he was away for a while without locking the car door to get a parking ticket.

[Ballet parking article: If you leave the car in front of you, put the car in front (opposite side) and cut it in the basement (parking ticket). .]

The police who received the theft report identify the moving line of the vehicle based on the analysis of the nearby CCTV.

Police officials say they are tracking the suspect by handing out a car number.