Teller Report

Under the directives of Mohammed bin Rashid .. Opening of commercial centers and private companies in Dubai by 100%

6/2/2020, 2:48:54 PM

Under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, the Supreme Committee for Crisis Management of Disasters in Dubai headed by His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum announced the permitting of the work of companies and institutions of the private sector as well as commercial centers

Under the direction of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, the Supreme Committee for Crisis Management of Disasters in Dubai headed by His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum announced the permitting of the work of companies and private sector institutions as well as commercial centers and malls in Dubai At a rate of 100%, starting tomorrow, Wednesday (3 June), during the announced times to allow movement in the emirate, which starts from 6 am to 11 pm, provided that each shopping center is free to choose their working hours within those times.

The Supreme Committee stressed that the decision comes in the context of the gradual resumption of economic activities and the restoration of normalcy in a phased manner, with an emphasis on continuing to apply all preventive measures and precautionary measures that guarantee the safety and health of all workers in those sites, whether corporate headquarters or in commercial centers and malls, as well as their pioneers and visitors At all times, according to the announced instructions, which are continuously promoted through the media and social media platforms to ensure that all segments of society are introduced to it and confirm the need for all citizens and residents to apply them at all times in a way that guarantees them and their families protection from infection with the Covid-19 virus.

The committee clarified that this step comes within the framework of keenness to allow the private sector to resume its activities naturally while stressing the imperative to follow preventive measures and take all precautions that guarantee to all workers of private sector companies and institutions as well as the public of their clients with all the necessary protection, the most important of which is measuring the temperature Everyone who enters the company’s headquarters, whether employees or the general public, and provides a room for health isolation for cases that may be suspected of infection, and specifying the number of employees allowed to be in the dining room, and other mandatory instructions announced by the various health services in the state.

The Committee stressed the need to follow workers in companies and private institutions as well as commercial centers with all its stores and outlets, as well as visitors and visitors to those sites, preventive instructions, the most important of which are wearing masks and maintaining spatial spacing between people and the safe distance that should not be less than two meters, as well as using sterilizers And keep washing hands with soap and water for a period of no less than 20 seconds whenever possible.

The committee advised to continue working remotely for employees of private sector companies and institutions who are at risk of infection, especially those with chronic respiratory diseases and those with low immunity.

 The Committee warned of the necessity of taking commercial centers and malls all precautions that guarantee to all its visitors and workers safety at all times, including continuous sterilization of various facilities and common places in malls, providing sterilizers in different places and at the entrances to the malls, and the use of temperature measuring devices at all entrances to discover Any case that may be suspected of being infected with the symptoms of the virus and taking the necessary measures towards it, with each center committing to providing a room for isolation to transfer everyone suspected of having the virus to it according to the protocols approved in this regard, confirming that the inspection campaigns will continue by all relevant supervisory authorities in order to ensure Careful application of these instructions, and imposing fines on violators, whether from the public or commercial center administrations, which are clearly not in compliance with the preventive instructions. 

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