Teller Report

Government approves 5 billion euro loan to Renault

6/2/2020, 12:54:14 PM

The State considers that it has obtained the guarantees it had requested from the car manufacturer, in particular with regard to employment

A Renault dealer (illustration image). - AFP

The state’s 5 billion euro loan to Renault has been validated and must be signed today by the Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire. This measure aims to help the car manufacturer very affected by the coronavirus crisis.

The government, which had hitherto reserved its signature, estimates to have obtained the guarantees which it claimed for the future of the employees of the factory of Maubeuge (North), worried about a project of fusion with the site of Douai, 70 km away.

Discussions on the future of employees

Bruno Le Maire "will sign today the guarantee of the loan of 5 billion euros which must be granted to Renault", announced the Ministry of Economy to AFP after a meeting with elected officials, employee representatives and company management.

The Minister “asked that a social and technical dialogue immediately begin, to develop an industrial project for the future (…) which will have to guarantee, in the long term, beyond 2023, employment and the level of industrial activity on the Maubeuge site and its territory ”.

As part of a savings plan of 2 billion euros, the diamond group plans to transfer the production of Kangoo electric utilities from Maubeuge to the Douai factory. "No decision will be taken on transfers of activity until such a plan for the future does not have the agreement of the parties," said Bercy. Discussions "will begin next week between employee representatives and Renault management, as well as representatives of the territory". A new meeting on the subject, chaired by Bruno Le Maire, "will take place in September to take stock".


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  • Coronavirus
  • Renault
  • Covid 19
  • Society
  • Automobile
  • Economy

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