Teller Report

Sánchez chooses one of his legal advisers in Moncloa to preside over the CNMC "with independence"

6/1/2020, 7:51:30 AM

The next president of one of the key independent regulatory bodies of the State will be the current legal adviser in the Presidency of the Government, Cani Fernández. He will direct the

The next president of one of the key independent regulatory bodies of the State will be the current legal adviser in the Presidency of the Government, Cani Fernández. He will head the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) to replace José María Marín, who has more than completed his six-year term. This is pointed out to this newspaper by knowledgeable government sources that highlight the high qualification of Fernández who has been part of the team of advisers to the Presidency of the Government in Moncloa since February. The Competition Law establishes that the president of the CNMC must carry out his work "with full independence from the Government".

According to the newspaper El País , which is advancing the appointment, the Government thus begins the renewal of the CNMC, which is an institution with high power over Spanish companies, including the audiovisual sector. Fernández will have to carry out his work independently of the Government and the sources consulted downplay the importance of his three-month stay in Moncloa, although a jump from the Presidency of the Government to an independent public body is very unusual.

Fernández, 57, has qualification for the position as professor for two decades at the Carlos III University of Competition Law specialized in measures to alleviate the dominant positions of companies. She is a partner on leave of absence from the Cuatrecasas law firm, where as director of the Competition department she has represented important companies in merger operations before the CNMC and received important awards. She has worked in this firm for 23 years and will have to inhibit herself in proceedings still underway at the CNMC where she worked in her lawyer stage defending parties involved.

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