Teller Report

Inter Milan wants to extend the stay of Chilean Sanchez

6/1/2020, 10:39:25 PM

Inter Milan Italian football club expressed its desire to extend the stay of the Chilean Alexis Sanchez, loaned from Manchester United, among its ranks, after the extension of the 2020-2021 season in Italy and England after the break due to the emerging epidemic of the Corona virus (Covid-19). And y

Inter Milan Italian football club expressed its desire to extend the stay of the Chilean Alexis Sanchez, loaned from Manchester United, among its ranks, after the extension of the 2020-2021 season in Italy and England after the break due to the emerging epidemic of the Corona virus (Covid-19).

And the network «Sky Sports», he believes that Inter Milan pays only a quarter of the player’s salary, which amounts to 450 thousand pounds per week, according to the current contract, which was 10 months supposed to end on June 30, which is expected to cost Manchester United six Millions of pounds.

In a statement to Sky, Piero Oselio, director of football at Inter Milan, said that Inter seeks to extend Sanchez’s stay in the squad until the end of the Italian season, which will be completed during the summer after a long pause due to the global epidemic.

It is worth noting that Sanchez, 31, who scored five goals during 45 games with Manchester United, had an ankle injury last October, shortly after joining on loan to Inter Milan.

The former striker for the English club Arsenal and Barcelona failed to score any goal during the 11 games he has played since returning to the stadium last January, but Oselio feels that Sanchez will be an important element for the team in the rest of the season.

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