Teller Report

“Un si Grand Soleil” returns this evening… with some new features

6/1/2020, 9:39:41 AM

That's it, France 2 is putting back on the air its daily soap opera "Un si grand soleil", a highly anticipated return among the spectators of the channel. However, the program must adapt to new rules for actors and producers.

That's it, France 2 is putting back on the air its daily soap opera "Un si grand soleil", a highly anticipated return among the spectators of the channel. However, the program must adapt to new rules for actors and producers.

Monday evening, 8:45 pm, you will once again hear the credits of Un Si Grand Soleil , the daily soap of France 2. It has been two and a half months that viewers have been waiting for it, and it is finally back. The channel had 25 episodes ahead of schedule, which will finally be released after the 8 pm newspaper. And filming resumes on Monday. A resumption of distribution and a resumption of production therefore, the same day.

New rules for actors and producers

From now on, the actors must dress alone, as for the make-up boxes, they will no longer be the opportunity to meet to unwind before filming. From now on, each actor will be separated by a plexiglass window when getting their make-up. The film crew is reduced to the maximum: 1 camera operator instead of 2. And for all, masks and hydroalcoholic gel.

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Finally, the whole team is advised by specialized doctors to adopt the right behaviors but also to be screened. New constraints which, according to France Télévisions, will considerably lengthen the shooting days, and therefore the cost of the series.

Any differences on the screen?

France 2 promises that Un si grand soleil will remain an entertainment series, or even be a little more entertaining than usual. The writers were asked to write lighter scenes in this period of deconfinement with one objective: to distract the French who were a little anxious about these last weeks. Exit for example a police intrigue, considered too dramatic.

The coronavirus and containment as such will also be discussed, but there is no question of making it a recurring anxiety-provoking subject. Finally, as with all fictions that are resuming at the moment, the scenes of love, hugs and fights are being reviewed, or even deleted, to avoid filming that there is too much interaction between actors.